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Nikon lens on mamiya 645

jon benson

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Not anything made within the last 30 years. Nikon lenses are designed for 35mm, and will only cover a 24x36mm frame, not a 60x45mm one. You'll get a circle on the film, and the lens would only focus to maybe a couple feet due to the much longer flange to film plane distance. However, the old Nikon modular telephoto (2 parts: a head 300,400, 500 etc, and a focus section that mounts to the camera) system would work on a 645, but you'd probably have to cobble together an adapter. The 'heads' were used to make up the telephoto selection of old Bronica MF cameras, so they definitely cover 6x4.5, although I've never heard of a way to mount them directly to a M645, it should work.
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I suspect you mean Nikkor lenses for a 35mm film camera or DSLR. As previously stated, basically, no--the image circle the lens projects on the film plane would be way too small. The 645 frame is typically 41.5 x 56 mm, so it needs an image circle of about 70mm; 35mm film needs about 44mm. So you even if you could mechanically adapt the lenses, would get a nearly-circular image in the middle of the frame. The larger size of the mirror box on the 645 would mean the projected image circle would be somewhat larger, but might well mean that you couldn't focus.


But of course there are other Nikkor lenses, such as the Nikkor lenses for a Bronica S2, the Nikkor large format camera lenses, and Nikkor enlarging lenses. It hardly seems worth the trouble, but the lenses for the Bronica S2 might be able to be adapted. The others are likely to be even a lot more trouble if not impossible.

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Ummm.... both of these responses are correct in one sense and incorrect in another. Image circle is not a problem. If you were to hold your Nikon lens over your M645 mount and look through the viewfinder, you will see an image that will probably cover the whole area, but be out of focus. At correct infinity focus distance for Nikon, the lens casts a small image circle, at the focus distance for M645 it will cast a larger circle. The problem is you will not get infinity focus, but Macro ONLY.... basically just like using extension tubes. I have built an adapter for OM to M645 allowing for infinity focus using an old teleconverter, but there is a severe loss of quality due to the teleconverter. Used M645 lenses are pretty cheap, so it's basically a fool's errand.


M645 to Nikon adapters work fine because the M645 focus distance is so much greater than that required for Nikon. (it is called Mount Registration Distance).

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Why Jon Why...?


Why do you want to do this...?


I think you should try to get best results from you Nikon film SLR and you should experiment with some 35mm films with different ISOs to get greater results.


We know that a 35 mm film can not achieve that best result like the medium format film, but maing better you shooting technique, you can get better results than DSLRs.


I won't say that stop experiment this kind of unusual thing, I do appreciate this kind of unusual experiment hungryness, but if you just want to do this to get a greater resolution than this is not worth, best way would be to use mamiya compatioble lenses with your MF.

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