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Polaroid 55


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Polaroid 55 and 665 are different formats. 665 was discontinued a couple of years ago, I think, 55 and all other remaining Polaroid films at about the beginning of this year. Depending on the particular film, Polaroid indicated that stocks would last for much of this year, but people are reporting that 55 is already hard to find: http://www.photo.net/large-format-photography-forum/00Q3JH , which is sort of moot for you, since isn't the right size / format. As Sara suggested, consider the instant film from Fuji; otherwise you have a "collectible" camera.
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Type 55 prices on the secondary market are "through the roof". There's none left in inventory at Polaroid, and friends who commute past the former factory note that lots of heavy machinery is being removed, buildings demolished, etc. Polaroid is never making more film.


Plan on using Fuji's offerings for the time being. 100 speed B&W or Color, and 3000 speed B&W. That's it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Type 55 prices on the secondary market are "through the roof"."

--John Shriver


You're not kidding there. For about one more day, someone is auctioning a box of Type 55 on Ebay (sealed, new box

according to the listing). As of 6pm CST today (Sunday, Aug. 3, 2008) the current bid is US $102.50.


If you wish to sate your curiousity and follow this, the item number is: 360074862661.

I came across this listing entirely by accident and decided to watch and see what happens. For me, it will be one of

those interesting bits of historical trivia for remembering what happened the day the Polameter died. Back in the mid-

eighties my classmates and I shot so much of this stuff for our assignments at Brooks. If memory serves a box was

about $29.95. If you ran out and were desperate for a couple of sheets, the student store sold them ala carte for


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