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Technique Ideas - Party featuring 10 of the same people

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I've been knocking this around in my head for a while and eventually did a test of a similar idea, but wanted to

reach out the the community here and pick your brains.


Here's my idea: I'm doing a publicity photo for a high-energy rock band.


1. The band is at a party and there are tons of people around them.

2. I want the band to be sharp, and still.

3. The people around them are blurred, in-motion.

4. The people around them are the band as well.


Meaning that, I'd like to make a composite where the band is the focal point in their normal dress, and then have

them change wardrobe and to make it look as if they're the other party-goers as well.


Should I just shoot with Photoshop layers in mind and then start blending?

- blank shot of the background

- key shot of band

-multiple shot of "partygoers" in different positions


I've really only done one other heavy composite, but it was very simple and I'd like to get some feedback on this

idea to see how you all would approach this.




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my idea: set up a tripod and lights first, and light the band and the partygoers the way you want them...


photograph the band, then without moving anything, any setting, any light, photograph the partygoers in as few shots as possible, making sure they dont get in the critical areas of the frame. This way you'll have less shadow manipulation to do than if you photograph the partygoers individually and you will have a more real looking shot without 10,000 hours of photoshop.


just my thoughts...

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