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Equipment Question


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Ok, so my mom and her husband wanted to invest in my photography. You can learn more on my other thread.

Anywho, I told them what I needed to start out. This is what they are sending me: You'll have to go to ebay and type

in the item number to check it out. Item number is 160259851923

Tell me the pros and cons of this package for wedding photography. I really wanted a 10-22mm and an actual wide

angle lens and what not. But they I guess are trying to save some money. So, let me know if this will work to start

out with, and later I can get what I really need.


Thank for the help!


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Hi again, Krista!


This Ebay item is a "starter package", and not what anyone would consider a "wedding" package. Some doo-dads here you probably would not really need, and it's missing a lot that you WILL need. For instance, you'll need at least 3 camera batteries instead of just one. You'll need more memory cards than one 8gb card. The zoom lens they're quoting is a cheap one, and won't produce pro results. The 18-55 lens is just a standard "kit" lens, which probably isn't bad quality, but not a serious piece of glass for pro work. The "wide angle converter" lens is not a serious piece of equipment, it's just something to simulate a wider angle and not great quality. This is really a typical "Uncle Bob" kit.


If $1200 is all they're willing to part with at this point, then you're sorta stuck, until you can book some weddings. Maybe you should have taken that $3000 wedding and used the money to get a body and 3 good lenses in the meantime, but I'm sure that train has sailed.


Personally, if all I had was $1200 to spend, I'd concentrate on the individual pieces that you can afford, like the body, kit lens, external flash, and adequate batteries and memory cards, and go out and book some weddings to generate additonal funds for the right lenses.


As we discussed in the other thread, I feel you should try to get a good range of lenses that will cover most shooting situations. The Sigma 10-20mm, the Sigma 18-50 f2.8 Macro, and the Sigma 70-200 Macro could all be had for around $1700.


Hope that helps!

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Hey again Steve, long time no see heh.


I had requested those lenses, I even requested three batteries and a smart charger, I had everything down to the pack I wanted to carry it in. But I guess all my work to find out what I needed and stuff wasn't good enough, or to good for their pocket book heh. I'm not going to complain though, if it weren't for them, I'd have to just use a point and shoot camera and not start any photography anything until I won the lottery haha. I guess I just need to know that if this "kit" will work until I can get the real things. I'm a bit dissapointed, but oh well. Beggers can't be chosers right? lol. Thanks again.

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If it is not too late, I'd tell them to cancel and send you the $1200. You could make much better use of that amount getting the gear you will use for wedding photography. Most of the items in the kit are not worth much, particularly the "wide" and "telephoto" lenses. IMHO, the $1200 is mostly wasted. Plus, I would never buy late model digital SLR from ebay in this form. I buy plenty of photo gear from ebay, but I am very careful.
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Waste of money. For budget on Canon I'd pick up two used 20D bodies (about $350 each?). Get a used Tamron 17-50/2.8 ($250?) and put it on one camera and a used Sigma 50-150/2.8 ($400?) or Canon 85mm f/1.8 on the other. Then I'd start by getting two new 430EX speedlights ($235 each) or if you need to go lower, two used strobes (Nikon SB, Vivitar 285HV or whatever) that has an auto thyristor setting.


Not the best, most flexible or convenient package but workable and with skill you should be able to get professional results. When you start making money you can start upgrading. Buy used face to face so you can see what your paying for.

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The auction has ended and I didn't see the pkg, but just a couple of things to keep in mind.


Canon's speedlight flashes will only illuminate to 24mm focal length (FF equivalent) and if you want to go wider than that, you need to use the WA panel on the flash which is kind of a hassle. Are you ready to deal with that? The alternative is to shoot bright venues/fast lenses that don't require flash illumination. Morever, if you intend to use a filter to protect your lens, you will have vignette below about 20mm (FF equivalent). Ultrawide is great for landscape, natural light shooting but gets to be expensive and complicated for low-light wedding photography.


Although you will have less "stuff", same brand lenses to camera body will be your best investment for the long run and give you the best image quality. If it were me, I'd choose 2 20D's over 1 40D if I were just starting out. You need a backup and having two bodies to mount lenses on is a very nice thing.

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If you have just got this package, you could keep the camera, 50/1.8 lens, card reader, battery and CF card. You could also keep the bag or case if you feel it will be useful. Then you sell on the rest or see what you will get in a trade in. Then get yourself a better standard zoom lens with a constant fast aperture, plus more CF cards and batteries, plus a 2/hand 430EX flash. Your P&S will perhaps have to do as a back up for now (not ideal but I can see you probably don't have a choice here).


Alternatively, get out there, do some paid work and make the most of what you have. What you have is at least better than what you had and we all have to start somewhere.


I think you are making the best of the situation and we can't always get what we want - not straight away anyway!


Hope things work out.

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I'd go with Chris, Nadine, and Pete's suggestions and use that money to shop Ebay, Amazon, Craigslist, and anywhere else online to get the most for the least. Two used 20Ds or even a 20D and a Rebel (if you can find them) would be a better option than a new 40D at this point, but you can buy them separately. I'd also go do everything I could to pick up some business. Put a contract together and go book some weddings and get half retainer fees upfront (contracts are a whole 'nother subject altogether, but make sure you're covered for everything, I'll e-mail you mine in text / PDF form so you can work from there), Use that money to get the rest of the items you'll need. Once you get all this gear in hand, wake up with it, go to sleep with it, and learn the gear completely. And of course, continue to study this forum. You can do it. You have the drive and almost have the means.
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Nadine- yes you made the suggestion.. my step father went with this which was not what I had asked for. So, I won't take the blame lol.


it is however to late, he called me after he had already made the sale. Most of the people who got that package on ebay, according to the feedback are happy with at least the camera. So i figure that I will get a good camera out of it at least, but need to work on the lenses now.

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Thank you Jo.. at least there's hope haha. I do like the idea of trading in the not so good lenses. I didn't even think about that. I did try to tell him that I need good lenses and those were not good, but he didn't really listen to me. So I just said ok since I can't or don't feel like I have the right to argue since its not my money. He's wanting to also get me a newer version of PS7.. but I'm not sure there are any that will work with Vista. I love PS7, but I see the CS3... I dunno. We'll see what he can come up with. I'd rather stay with PS7, I'm comfortable with it.


Steve-I have a contract already, but you can go ahead and email me yours so I can compare and maybe add if I need to.


So I'm getting a feeling that under ideal situations, these lenses will not do, but in my situation it will have to do. Is this right? I mean I don't have a choice at the moment, but I don't have another wedding on my schedule. I am hoping to get one for Sept, which might give me enough time to get a better lens.


Thanks again

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Krista - spending money on a newer version of PS is just not a priority right now. Some of us are using even older versions successfully. If you are comfortable using PS7, and it works with your current set up, stick with it. Ask for the money to be put towards better kit, or given to you as a gift so that you can spend it in a way that you see as appropriate.


I would still try for a trade in - you may only get one good lens for the four you trade in, but truly the one good standard zoom will get you through most wedding work. The 75-300 lens is just money sitting on a shelf - you'll have virtually no use for it, but will get the money back as a hobbyist will buy a new one without a quibble. Some dealers sell on commission, and have advertising power to shift things quickly, albeit taking their cut - popular lenses in mint or as new condition sell for the right price very quickly. But certainly stick with the 40D for now, it's perfectly good for where you are at with your business at the moment, and the 50/1.8 is also probably worth keeping. It's a matter of building on the parts of the package you can use and getting the most back from the redundant parts by trade-in, commission sale through a dealer, or private sale in the classifieds. Concentrate on getting the constant aperture standard zoom lens and 430EX flash. Cards and batteries can be picked up at great prices online these days so get those together over the next couple of months with whatever money comes your way. Or - if you buy something new with cash (let's say you sell your lenses in the classifieds), ask the dealer you buy from to throw in a card with the purchase - don't be afraid to make a sale and bargain hard. Also remember that you will get more for your money buying quality 2/hand for lenses and flash etc.

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Thanks again Jo. Very good advice. I will try to sell those lenses as soon as they get to me. my copy of PS7 is .... ummmm... just that.. a copy. It is missing some of the programming I think, I can still use it, just not all the features, but it has worked for me in the past. So I'm willing to let him get a real copy, but just need to have it for vista. I told him that I didn't want the newer or newest version.. I'd have to learn it all over again and don't really want to do that.


I'm excited but at the same time I'm dissapointed. I wished he had just went with one good lens at least. Maybe I'll try to convince him to get one. I really want the 10-22mm.


Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the flash in the kit? I'm not really sure what is wrong with it, since I've never used and external flash before. Would be good to know if I can deal with the bad parts or if I just have to get a new one.


thanks again!

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Krista, just to clarify, it's the 10-20mm, not 10-22. I WISH it went to 22, but then again, I wish it was f2.8!


However, Tokina makes this: http://www.tokinalens.com/products/tokina/atx116prodx-a.html


You can get it for Nikon or Canon, neither of which I can take advantage of. But I think this would be a great lens to try. The Sigma 10-20 has a little more zoom range on either end, but this lens opens up to f2.8, which would be great indoors.


Either way, you can't go wrong.

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The wide zoom is not so useful for wedding photography right off the bat, particularly if you don't have a good mid range zoom. The kit lens will be just OK, so if you are successful at getting any money at all for the lenses in a trade, I would go for a Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 first, before a wide zoom. Why do you want a wide zoom? And I doubt you will get much in trade for the rest of the gear in the kit, but I guess something is better than nothing. Actually, I'd keep the kit lens and 50mm f1.8 for now and try to trade everything else. Keep the tripod maybe. Then at your first opportunity, get the Tamron. Then the 85mm f1.8.


Hard to tell what flash that is. Definitely not a Canon flash. So until you actually have it in your hands, nobody can tell you whether it is any good.

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Nadine, just to clarify, I had recommended the super-wide zoom to her in the first thread, because on half-frame sensor cameras, even a 30mm lens becomes a 50mm "normal" lens, and often 18mm isn't wide enough with APS-C sensors. I find that I use the superwide lens for a LOT of things with weddings. Any time I'm shooting folks getting dressed in tiny dressing rooms it comes in handy. I've even shot grooms being hidden with a couple of groomsmen keeping them company in a closet (with apologies to R Kelly) so as not to see the bride, and this lens was indispensable. Any time I want to shoot architecture or scenics, the lens works great because it doesn't bow the straight lines and I can get some really great perspectives, bring in the sky, etc. I can shoot large groups down front inside a church and get them all in, usually without the pews and hymnals cluttering the lower left and right of the image. I use it for group shots of groomsmen and bridesmaids with unique low and high angles which bring in the surrounding scenery. I can also do some really dramatic dancing shots, work in crowds, do cake shots, etc. with that lens. Plus, it gives many of my shots a unique look that you don't see in other photographer's portfolios.


I agree that the first lens she should trade up to is the 17-50 f2.8 macro, or even the Sigma 18-70 f2.8-f.4.


Or, she could keep the kit lens and the 50 for now, and trade everything else for other stuff she needs.

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