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Want to buy 8x10 set-up used: is this possible for less than $1000


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I've just gotten the notion to get into LF--I want to do contact prints and some alternative process stuff. I want to 8x10. I've been counseled against this--too heavy, too expensive, etc. I'm mostly interested in shooting landscape shots. Any ideas on how to put a used system together for under $1000? Is it possible? Suggested reliable cameras. I've been checking some on Ebay, but would welcome any advice. Thanks.
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For used equipment, I'd try to find a used beatup Deardorff outfit.

I've seen some on eBay for around $1000. These cameras and lenses are

not in great shape, but they're capable of taking great photographs.

And it's a good investment - you can have it restored.




As for new equipment, the Tachihara 8x10 sells for about $1200. This

is the same camera as the Wista. It does not have a lot of extension,

but it is a good camera to start out with, given its cost.




Last year a used one (in mint condition with very pretty pictures)

sold for $1300 on eBay. I kind of laughed at that. Jokes aside, the

fact that you can turn around and sell the camera for nearly what you

paid for it is something to consider. If you don't like the format,

you can simply sell the camera.

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Another option is the Kodak 2D, I got one for $600 with new bellows.

Midwest had a metal 8x10 (maybe a Calumet C-1) for about $400 -- good

cameras from what I read, but insanely heavy. Holders should be able

to be found for about $10 each used. I assume you have a light meter.

The lens is what is going to kill you, but if you don't mind barrel

lenses (no shutter) you can get some good ones for cheap.




If you hate it you should be able to sell it for what you paid for it.

Also, be sure to shop around, eBay has not been much of a bargain

haven -- used items can often cost more than what I could buy the

equivalent item for new.





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Sure you can do it with a little care -- I've done it myself. Check

with Midwest Camera Exchange or Quality Camera -- they usually have

several. Lightweight old wood cameras are often suitable for

landscape work -- Folmer & Schwing, Korona, Agfa/Ansco, Eastman

Commercial, Kodak 2D, Seneca Competitor View -- and these are often

available for $200-600 on E-Bay, sometimes with lenses and even

tripods included. Will take some time and some scouting, but you can

do it.

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Let's not forget the Burke and James! I got an old "grover" for

300.00 and I have a love/hate relationship with it but I really

didn't want to spend allot and didn't want to get all hung up on

technical stuff either. I just look at it as a mere tool to help get

me to the final result. Would I like a nicer camera.?yes I would. Do

I need another camera......? No I don't I have produced some

wonderful images with it. I just picked up a 158mm Wollensak off ebay

for 255.00 mounted in an Alphax shutter. Edward Weston was always

complaining about wanting a new camera as his was always falling

apart. A Soligor spot meter will work fine and one of those is about

150.00 used. So if you are careful and have patience you could do it

easy for under 1,000.00. Best of luck to you in your venture!

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There are plenty of older 8x10 cameras out there. Mine is a Seneca

Improved (almost identical to the Kodak 2D mentioned earlier), and

i'ts fairly light too. Get a good older lens for it. My cost was

$100 for the camera and $250 for a Commercial Ektar in an Acme #4

shutter. A few more dollars for a new groundglass and some used

holders and I was in business. Deardoffs are great, but

unfortunately, owners don't like to give them up.

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There is a good supply of Agfa/Ansco 8x10's out there. You should be

able to find one in excellant condition for under $600. Try some of

the better LF dealers or check out ebay. I got into 8x10 this way and

still use the Ansco. The camera is fairly rigid and enough movements

for field photography. Morley Baer used an Ansco.

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I bought a Calumet C-1 (8X10) last week on eBay, which I intended to

use as a source for spare parts for the one I've been using for ten

years, made out like a bandit at a cost of 400 bucks. The new one

has parts that are in much better shape than the one I currently use,

so I'll swap some components (entire front standard assembly). The

Calumet C-1 is all metal, sturdy, and well worth the small cost.

They frequently make an appearance on eBay. The most important thing

to remember is the same for all used equipment... condition,

condition, condition. There are several post on the archived

section of this forum that might assist you, check there as well.

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I agree that it is entirely possible to put together an 8x10 kit for

under $1,000 but it would be close. I've seen old 8x10s on ebay for

under $500.00, if they are in working order or not would be the

biggest issue. If you are a wood worker or have a friend who is, old

woodies are pretty basic. The bellows and all those odd bits of

hardware are probably the most expensive or complicated components to

fix/repair. A Bender 8x10 kit would probably be your best bet unless

you knew of an old 8x10 personally and could either inspect it

yourself or have someone who knows something about lf inspect it---

and maybe shoot a few sheets in it as well. Other expensive

components would be the lens and the tripod. Fortunately, there are

plenty of old 12" and 14" Commercial Ektars out there, as well as

wollensaks, tessars, and ilex paragons that will give you good to

excellent performance in the $250-350 price range. Your can get

barrel lenses even cheaper, but unless you have them mounted in a

shutter you might not enjoy using one. Assuming your lens has a

working shutter, a CLA by a highly recommended shutter repair shop

would probably be in order but not you could probably put that off

for awhile. You can use your light meter from your 35mm SLR if you

have one, make your own dark cloth, and use inexpensive trays for

developing and an inexpensive 8x agfa loupe for focusing too, that

leaves a tripod and double cut film holders, both of which are

available used. Get the sturdiest tripod you can find/afford! For

holders, used wooden ones are availabe costing about $35-40 for two

or three. Test them for light leaks by loading them with 8x10

enlarging paper and leaving them out in a brightly lit room. Return

any that leak light to the place you bought them for a replacement

(new liscos are about $120 for two new so going used offers a

substantial savings if the used holders are usable)For cheap film,

chemicals and paper get in touch with Freestyle Sales. Arista film

and paper is good stuff and about as cheap as you'll find, they also

have NACCO chemicals which are popular with high schools. They are

very economical and are easy to mix liquids. I think freestyle also

has good prices on Lee filters you might want to keep in mind for the

future. Lets see , what did I leave out? A safe light? Try GE Guide

night lights, two for about a buck at the drugstore. If you can get a

good deal on the tripod and lens I think you'll be in the under $1000

price but it'll be close. Of course it will also be a heck of a lot

of fun! GO FOR IT!

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While finding an 8x10 camera for under $1,000 isn't too difficult,

you need at least the following at a minimum in addition to the

camera: (1) lens; (2) film holders, three at a minimum for field

work; (3) dark cloth; (4) tripod; (5) meter (8x10 film is too

expensive to be guessing about the exposure, though you could get by

with the meter in a 35 mm camera if you have one), (6) back pack or

something else to carry everything in. Doing all of this for less

than $1,000 isn't going to be easy. It helps that you're planning

only on contact printing because that will let you use an inexpensive

old lens - almost any old lens in good condition by a reputable

manufacturer will give great results for contact printing. I'd guess

$400 for any 8x10 field camera that's usable without needing any

repairs or a new bellows, $250 for the lens, $150 for a tripod and

head sturdy enough for an 8x10 camera if you're lucky. That's $800,

leaving $200 for everything else - holders (used on e bay is a good

source), dark cloth (some people use black T shirts), meter (tough if

you have to buy a hand held meter but maybe you can get by with a 35

mm camera and lens though more weight and bulk isn't what you want

with 8x10), and backpack (try a camping store - the camping packs are

much less expensive than dedicated photography packs and often are

more comfortable). On cameras, I'd disagree with the person who

mentioned a Deardorff. They're great cameras but any Deardorff that

costs in your price range of about $400 to $500 is almost certainly

not going to be usable - even mediocre Deardorffs go for $800 or so

and ones in good condition are well over $1,000. I'd look for cameras

that were good cameras in their day but that don't carry the cachet

of a Deardorff - Agfa Ansco, Fulmer Schwing, Burke and James, Korona,

come to mind. You want to make sure the bellows doesn't need repair

or replacement. Don't buy from someone who says something like "the

bellows looks fine but I inherited the camera from my grandfather and

I've never actually used it." On lenses, I have two old Wollensak

lenses that cost about $250 each and they produce beautiful contact

prints. There are many others out there, just make sure the shutter

works properly - with large format lenses the shutter often

represents more than half the total cost. Yes, you could try a barrel

lens (a lens without a shutter) but since you're doing contact

printing I think you should be able to find a lens in a shutter that

doesn't cost more than $250 or so and not having to mess around with

a barrel lens would be worth that to me. View Camera magazine carried

an article a few years back on geting into 8x10 on the cheap.

Reprints are available. I don't have the article handy but if you're

really interested let me know and I'll dig it out.

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It is quite possible. if you live in a fairly large city or in close

proximity, there are probably annual or maybe monthly camera shows

where regional vendors and collectors sell cameras. This is how I

have bought all my LF cameras. Has the advantage of being able to

inspect the cameras in person and negotiate the price. Also, contact

any local camera or photography clubs in your area. You may find

others leaving LF for digital or other reasons that have not yet

disposed of their LF gear.




A tripod is critical to ensure no shake and provide good footing

outdoors. An extended 8x10 is a large target for the wind, the

sturdier the tripod the less chance of the camera blowing over.

That being said, you a can spend hundreds on a new one. I would try

to find a used surveyors tripod. While heavy, it will be relatively

cheap and if you stick with 8x10 you can spend the bucks for new

lighter one later.




As expensive as they are, I would try to buy new film holders. I

have never had many problems with 4x5 holders, but seemed to have

problems with used 8x10s. New film holders will eliminate variables

and be easier to load.




I agree with others on lenses. Choose a focal length you are familar

with or one slightly either side. I would read the various articles

on the LargeFormat site about lenses before purchasing. Also go to

SK Grimes site for excellent info about shutters and which ones to

stay away from.





Finally, I would encourage you to go through the archives of this

forum pertaining to 8x10 cameras and lenses. If you find a camera

but have additional questions before purchsing, post them to this

forum. I am continually amazed at the knowledge base available here

and the willingness of so many to share their years of experience.




Good luck and enjoy,

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You should have no problem in meeting your monetary goal. I picked

up an excellent Korona 8x10, complete with new bellows on eBay for

$340. I purchased an extension bed from a fellow forum member

(thanks again, Kevin) and constructed a lensboard adapter so I can

use my Nikkor 300mm without removing it from its Wista/Linhof

lensboard. While I already had the lens as part of my 4x5 system, I

was able to jump into 8x10 (camera, ext. bed, holders, lensboard

adapter) for less that $450.




One note when looking at eBay auctions -- be patient. Auction prices

on eBay are extremely erratic. Sometimes complete junkers sell for

exhorbitantly high prices while some real bargains go quietly

unnoticed. I'm still kicking myself for sitting by and watching a

Deardorf sell for a ridiculously low price. (Bad IRS, no refund!!)

In my case, my Korona was merely advertised in the auction heading as

a Gundlach view camera, and consequently did not attract many viewers.




Yes, the bargains are still out there -- just spend some time looking

at auctions, retail stores, etc. and observing prices so that you are

informed enough to react when that really great deal comes your way!

Good luck in your 8x10 endeavours.

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I, too, have an old Calumet C-1 that I purchased, with a Carl Meyer

300mm lens, for about $750 from Midwest a few years back. As I've

mentioned before on this forum, I'm not inclined to use it much

because of its weight. I think I bought it because I saw a Ries

tripod ad in a magazine that showed Cole Weston using a C-1, and he

looked pretty cool with it, and I wanted to look cool, too. Big

mistake -- too heavy for me.

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