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Newbie question on MF


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I'm contemplating taking the step up from 35mm (I mostly use Olympus OM-2Ns) to MF. But - I have never done any

developing / printing for myself. Do I need to develop / print my own MF film to get the most out of it? Or can

I get pretty good MF results (ie better than 35mm) by getting them done commercially.


Thanks in advance ...



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Hello Andrew,


For b/w work your own darkroom would be better, as there are so many variables in developing/printing.


If you shoot slides, almost every lab can handle 120 film (or at least sends it to a well equipped lab). then scan the slides yourself and let them be printed (either in a shop or online) or print yourself with a photo printer. 120 slides look very different than 35mm slides, especially when projected on a wall.


regards Richard

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Hi Andrew


If you are using B&W YES and you will start in a whole new world.


I would suggest you start with Rodinal developer not because it's the best but it is very stable and long lived so you will learn how and what.


Two books which will help you to look at two completely different types of B&W are :-


The Book of Pyro by Gordon Hutchings




Way Beyond Monochrome by R Lambrecht and C White.


A really good enlarger lens is as important maybe more important than the lenses on your camera.


Try it and have fun.


Best Regards



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read these forum, after 1 hour you should be able to develop B&W film youself. Buy chemicals, think twice, do it :) do not, I repeat, do not resign after 1st or 5th film, they will be not as great as you expected. After some films you will develop your technique, you will learn more with every roll.


My advice:


stick to 1 film type and one developer product for like 50 rolls. I started with HP5 + ID -11 developer, now still HP5 film but trying with Microphen. Develop some rolls one method (same agitation, same time for development) , after few rolls try different agitation etc.


and you will LOVE it, I mean it, love it. Developing own film is magic. You will never give B&W film to the Lab ever, I promise :)


but then, there is scanning afterwards, or printing, or printing and scanning, many questions before you..

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