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Capture NX2 is painfully slow on my Mac


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I find that Capture NX2 is painfully slow rendering on my Mac - about 3-5x slower than Capture NX 1.3.1.


I have a 3-week old Mac Pro - dual quad-core (i.e., 8-core) 3.0GHz, 10GB RAM. I have 3 internal SATA hard disks, with one of them

(250GB) devoted to being a scratch disk for my photo apps like NX2, CS3, etc. I have the NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT card with 512MB.

Most of my photo applications rip along at warp speed on this system.


Sometimes, I have to wait a full 30 seconds after opening a NEF file with NX2, before the image starts rendering, and then it takes another

15 seconds to render, slowly drawing one block at a time.


I've bought Jason Odell's ebook and followed his setup advice.


As I said, NX 1.3 was no speed demon, but it was acceptable. NX2 just seems unusable.


I'm sure this is a setup thing, not a problem with NX2, since most people seem happy with it. Anyone have any ideas at all?


Thank you.

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Found the problem! It is noise reduction, which is on by default, even though it's turned off on my D2x menus. I guess I

have to put up with an initially slow load before I can turn off noise reduction.


Jason Odell's book does suggest that noise reduction should be off in the camera. It is turned off, so I'm not sure what's


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I did have the same problem with it on 3.2Ghz single core Pentium. The program was almost unusable. Updated yesterday to dual core and that whole thing now just flies, absolute pleasure to work with. Perhaps there is something with you computer, like some other programs are taking too many resources or something blocking it. I do not know, slow performance for a 3-week old computer does sound kind of strange, but I did not notice NX2 to be any slower than NX1.3 either. In fact I did think it was more like the other way around.


Go through your settings, check on few Mac forums, I am almost sure there is more to it than one single program only.


- Sergey

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