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5x7 instead of 8x10?


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Currently I have been using a 4x5 camera and in my quest for greater clarity I have been considering moving to a larger format. The natural progression would be to go to 8x10. Unfortunately, 8x10 has a bunch of draw backs such as restricted DOF, very expensive to outfit, very expensive to operate, and very heavy.




As a compromise I am considering a 5x7. With the 5x7 I can use most of my current lenses (with less movement), and the Wisner 5x7 Pocket camera only weighs 4.5 lbs. I hope to get a 4x5 reducing back when lots of coverage is needed and have my 4x10 back standard modified so that it is interchangable with the 5x7 back for panoramics.




So here is my question. To use a 5x7 with color negative film, I plan on cutting 8x10 film to 5x7 - two sheets per 8x10 sheet. Has any body had any experience doing this? Have you had any problems with dust due to extensive handling? What other problems have you had? And last, for those who have a 5x7, can you give me any advice about your experiences with this format?




Thanks for any help.

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I've cut some 8x10 to 5x7. You just have to trump up some sort of

system -- make palpable marks at the appropriate spots on your cutting

board or whatever. I got clean negatives out of it even though it

seemed at times like I was doing a lot of fumbling around in the dark.

-jeff buckels

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The old-timers had good solutions here: look for one of the 8x10 backs

that had sliding "doors" to create 2-4x10s or 2-5x8s, no need to cut

down film, buy special panoramic backs and holders, etc. By the same

token, I have opened many an old glass plate holder and found attached

inside a film sheath for a smaller format. Where there is a will there

is a way. I think your overall ideas about 5x7 make a lot of sense,

including having generous bellows when shooting 4x5. Good luck.

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I use 5x7 black and white film so no need to cut down film but I do

cut 8x10 to 4x10 with no problem. I use a roller type cutter I

purchased just for this purpose. Jay Dusard told me how to make a

template out of mat board that works fine. If you would like e-mail

me with a mailing address and I'll send a copy of his instructions


Hope this may help

William Blunt

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Stephan, I can speak from both perspectives. I have a Deardorff like

David and it is quite useable. Still if I didn't want to fiddle with

platinum contacts my 5X7 is so much easier and enjoyable to use. For

enlarging negs, 5X7 is a very logical stopping place and like I said

other than contacts, I probably wouldn't keep the 8X10 around. And

there are so many fabulous lenses for 5X7. Half the ones in your 4X5

bag. I bought a roll of KodaK Aerial Pan that's 5"X 500 ft and have

been cutting it down. I have a cheap plastic Fiskar wheel cutter, and

I simply tape a ruler where the film is to stop. It works well

but......are the pinholes from bodily fluids that come out of my hands

even after a good washing?? It's making me think twice about my 17¢

5X7 negs. Good luck.

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I am a 5x7 photographer.

I chose to cut myself the film from 8x10. This is done neatly with

a Rotatrim Mastercut II, a rotary blade cutter, and while it sounds

a delicate task at first, it is in fact very easy to do.

I wouldn't use anything


as precision is critical.

One tip:

I've found that it is difficult to align the film

with minute precision, I cut slightly smaller than 5x7 to

be sure there won't be problems to fit holders. Because of that,

you'll need to cut a sheet of 8x10 three times to make two 5x7. If you

use only one kind of film, it is not necessary to punch a new notch. I

just keep the film emulsion facing the top of the film box. I have

misloaded film only one time, out of more than a thousand of sheets



It takes me between 30 min to one hour to cut 25 8x10



It's not that tedious if you listen to music at the same time.


The problem is that while you don't have to worry about

finger marks which are washed away by the


you increase significantly the chance of

getting dust on your film, which in turn can cause surface scratches

as you are traveling. If I was not planning to print digitally all

my film, this would dissuade me from cutting film.

With this method, you can use any emulsion which is available in 8x10.


With comparable cameras and lenses, 5x7 gear is 1.5 times

the weight of 4x5, for about 2 times the surface area. The same can

be said of 8x10 vs 5x7. 5x7 is an interesting compromise between 4x5

and 8x10.


If you are a B&W photographer, I believe that by steping up to 5x7,

you'll lose only the portability of some lightweight 4x5 systems, and

you'll have much to gain.


The color 5x7 photographer faces additional

problems related to film and processing, which do not affect the 4x5


As the gains from the larger transparency

are less tangible, 5x7 might a more debatable choice for color.

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Wearing powder free latex exam gloves during the film cutting surgery

protects the film from finger prints and smudges. I try to keep the

work area clean and do the cutting on a humid day for dust

suppression. Cool dry air full of static is trouble. A cheap

Friskars roller cutter works fine after you work out the measurements

and do a little practice.

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Here is the method taught to me by Jay Dusard for cutting down 8x10

to 4x10, it works fine for me.

I use a cardboard template taped to my rolling cuter. I'm sure the

same template will work for the guillotine cutter; you'll have to

extera careful in the dark. First of all, the exact short dimension

of 8x10 film is 7-15/16". Half of that is 3-31/32". If you happen to

miscut an 8x10 sheet you will end up with with two unusable sheets--

one that won't go in the holder and one that will fall out of the


Here's what you need to make; Take a piece of cardstock about 6" x

11". Glue a strip 2"x 11" 4-ply mount board down along the left long

edge of the card stock, leaving 3-15/16" of the card stock projecting

to the right. Tape the template to the bed of your cutter so that the

shoulder formed by the 4-ply is exactly 3-31/32" from the cutting

edge. Cut another piece of 4-ply 3-1/2" x11"; you will use this on

top of the film.

Cutting; Place a clean sheet of paper under the cutter where the film

will fall. In the dark place a sheet of 8x10 film, emulsion side

down, on the template(blade should be up). Push left edge of film

against 4-ply shoulder. Place hold-down piece on top of film, it

should seat snugly against shoulder and not be riding up anywhere.

Pat right edge of film to left, assuring that it is snug to the

shoulder;the hold-down will asure that the film is not riding above

the shoulder somewhere. CAREFULLY shear the film with the blade. Pick

up the right half of the film, turn it over and at this point I use a

small pair of sissors and clip a small piece of the upper right

corner, Jay loads each sheet into his holders as he cuts them so he

doesn't need to do this. Pick up the left half of the filmand turn it

over. I cut a whole box of 25 sheets at one sitting and load into

boxes. I haven't have any problems with this method, I have a lot of

little corners I have cut off to clean up but so far I haven't loaded

any of them with the film! Jay, being the fine fellow he is, gave me

permission to post his method of film cutting, Jay Dusard can be

reached at jbard@theriver.com

Hope this helps

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What 5x7 and/or 13x18 films are there left anyway, I've been using T-

Max 100 only with two bath developers ? By the way I use an old and

very nice Plaubel Peco Universal III 13x18 with a Durst 138 enlarger

(which was a gift beeing not used )for making photopolymer engravings

apart from an Ebony SV45 TE, a Leica m6 and a Kodak DC4800 digital

snapshot camera that came with the full photoshop 6 for the price of

the camera alone nearly. Well slightly out of the topic exept for the

film and 5x7 which is a very fine fomat having better proportions in

my wiew than 4x5.

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Stephen, I too have considered consoladating my 4x5 and 810 systems

into one. What really got me interested in this arrangement was

Keith Canhams 5x7 metal MQ. The beauty in my eyes, you can attach

his new 6x17 back, (due out in a few months) and have everything you

need in one format, while not being that much larger than 4x5. Check

out the specs on the MQ 5x7. Of course, the only real pain is

cutting the film... but its a small price to pay for this smaller

field kit, specially if space is very critical on long hikes. I am

wondering at size prints you feel 4x5 becomes inadequate, or less

sharp then you would like?

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I have a 5x7 back that I use regularly on my 8x10 field. Coming from

many years of SLR, the big attraction of 5x7 is the fact it is nearly

the same aspect ratio as 35mm (just a little less rectangular), so

it's easy to find good subjects. With 8x10 I often find myself

looking at the GG with empty spaces to fill up. Also, the use of

shorter focals of course makes for greater DOF. I contact print the

5x7s, mount and mat them on 8x10, and hang them up around the house;

on small walls, they look fine. Cheers, Nick.

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I would like to take a moment to thank everyone for all the

comments, suggestions, and recommendations you have so

generously provided. You all have been very helpful.




This website has become a vital source of information for me. I

live in isolation as a large format photographer and the only

contact I have for my love of photography is here. The

information and experiences recorded on this website is

amazing and its value is immeasurable.




In my opinion this website is nothing less than a world class act.




Thanks again!

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