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Beijing Olympics Anyone


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I'm gonna be in Beijing during the month of August for the Olympics. I'm interested to meet other photographers who

will be there or in the vicinity. It'll be fun to share some comraderie and some images. I've gone there four times in the

last four years and can speak Mandarin well enough to get by.


Look forward to meeting you.



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Good lord, someone is actually going? Sorry for the cynicism. It has been reported though, that getting visas has been difficult, and reporters and other journalists will have restrictions on them. Good luck, hope you find some people, though.
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I used to go to China once a month or at least once in two months. When my one year multiple entry visa ran out, I have not gone since then and I do not want to go until they relax their visa rules. You can only get single entry visas now and you need to get approval from Beijing, stating the places you go and reasons for going, before you can apply. It is a big hassle for frequent travellers. From what I have been hearing, their hotels are running at well below full occupancy and the tourism industry is losing money. I suppose that would make it a good time to visit for someone who just goes once.
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I am a credentialed photographer who will be in Beijing for 21 days starting August 7th. I am arriving early and leaving late so I can do some non-sports related photography in addition to the games. I'm looking for some unique, off the beaten path places to shoot.

If you've got some ideas to add to mine perhaps we could meet up there and share the shoot.



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Hello Dennis,


Thanks for joining this thread! I'd be happy to make some suggestions regarding places to explore. Our itineraries are fairly similar. Will this be your first time in Beijing or have you gone there before?


This is my website: www.juunhwaea.com


It hasn't been updated in a few years, but it contains images from my first trip to Beijing and some pictures I took around New York when I was taking some courses.



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I'll send you my email address in a few days. I'm leaving town for a weekend trip.


James, I do the same as well and will view your web page when I get back.


OK, got to pack and go. I'll post again in a little while.

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