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KM 7D to Canon 5D?


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I'm about ready to change up from my Konica Minolta 7D, primarily because of the 7D's unreliable AF performance. And I have a few nice

Canon lenses from 35mm film days. I'm curious to know if anyone made a similar move and had any comments on the differences.

Hopefully better dynamic range? Better AF?


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I made that jump from KM to Canon but started with XTi then 30D now 5D. Actually all three of those Canon bodies blow away the 7D. You will be very happy.


First, yes the AF is light years ahead of the KM even with regular lenses, more so with Canon USM and L lenses focus almost instantaneously.


Second, your ISO noise porformance will be amazing compared to KM. My 7D was noisy at 400, You can go to 1600 or even 3200 with Canon and have better results than the 7D at 200 or 400.


Lastly, the metering is much more reliable especially in Av and Tv modes.


I'm sure there are more advantages but that's what I could think of for now.

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Thanks Bobs.

I'm thinking of the 5D kit with 24-105 L lens on the current rebate promo. I have fast 24, 50 and 85 and 200 F2.8 primes as well as the 28-

135 which I think I might replace with the kit lens. My wish list also includes the 70-200mm F4 IS which looks like a very nice lens. Awfully

good price when bought with the 5D!

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