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What Yongnuo Speedlite are you using?


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<p>Currently I have a 420EX and a Yongnuo ST-E2 ($30.00 on eBay) that I use with my 5D and 40D on or off camera. I'm looking for a Yongnuo Speedlite that is eTTL, HSS, wireless compatible with the ST-E2 and has full manual control. There are many Yongnuo Speedlites and I'm trying to sort out which one I need. I'd love a Canon Speedlite but they are out of my price range and I've been very satisfied with my Yongnuo products. My budget its is in the $100 - $125 range. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.</p>

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<p>Currently a pair of 568 EX II s. I believe they are $124 on Amazon currently. They work for all the requirements you've specified, plus they can act as master for a wireless Ettl setup as well (in place of the ST-E2, should you need to add some light from On camera to your exposure).</p>

<p>So far they've proven reliable workhorses. Though these replace 565 EXs which only lasted a couple years (so about as long as the 580s ;) )</p>

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<p>I use YN560 iii and it cost $71 on B&H. I have used it for over 1 year, and I am happy with it. Its lighting quality is not bad at all, and it is quite reliable. Recycle speed is 1-3 sec, not very fast, but that is not an issue for me. It has internal wireless receiver, so that is a plus. I attached a yongnuo transeiver on my camera to trigger the flash.</p>
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