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For Arthur Yeo


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A while back Arhtur was kind enough to email an answer to me regarding my consternation in attracting Hummingbirds for photos. He had

posted some beautiful shots with the 200-400VR. Using some of his advice and waiting patiently, I finally got a little activity. The photos are not

the greatest. They were shot right after a torrential downpour (you can see the raindrops on the feeder stem), at about 7:30 pm, as the sun

was getting low in the sky. There was enough sun through the clouds to get some photos, and birds of all types were back out feeding before

dark. Hopefully, now that they know where the feeder is I will get some more opportunities in super light. I'm not much for flash photos in

nature, but who knows... Thanks Arthur!


Hummingbird Wings







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Thanks for the encouragement! These were shot using my D300 at ISO 800, 1/400 and matrix. Next time I'll try center

weighted metering, since they are so small. With good light I should be able to up the SS and lower the ISO. Changing the

angle of the feeder will bring out the ruby patch under the chin in morning light too. Maybe all I need is patience and a bit of


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I did not see this thread until today. Looks like they are cooperating with, Kev.


With lower light, it's more challenging and artificial lighting with 2-3 flash units is needed. But, if the sun is kind enough to appear in full, it's easier.


Sit down, relax, mount the equipment on a tripod/monopod and shoot away.


You did good, Kev. Keep it up.

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