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Elinchrom D-lites and my D90 - cant get them to sync


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<p>I Have a D90, I have gone into the commander mode to enable the flash to control my 2 x Dlite400's. The flash fires remotely, however the sync is clearly off as the images on teh camera are black...im sure its the simplest thing and im goign to kick myself, but can someone please tell me where im going wrong.</p>
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If you intend to use your popup flash to trigger the Dlites you need to set the popup flash to manual and then a power setting like 1/64 or something like that.



Commander mode is for controlling Nikon's SB-600,SB-800 remotely. Not applicable to studio strobes at all.

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Pete is right. You have to use the pop up flash in manual. In auto modes the camera will give a preflash to determine the correct exposure and then a split second later the proper flash and the shutter opens. You wont see it with your eyes as it's all too fast. <br>

The preflash is setting off your Dlites before the shutter is open and you get an underexposed image. In manual flash on the pop up there is no preflash so everything is synched to the shutter opening.<br>


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<p>Nikon flash in commander mode needs Nikon CLS compatible remote flashes to command (and trigering is final step).</p>

<p>Nikon commander will not command Elichroms, they are just not compatible, but could possibly triger them via sync cables, or radio transmitter/receiver pair, but the CLS iTTL light determination could be over powered by non-controllable Elichroms. So is perhaps better to use all in manual modes and determine exposure and settings yourself using a flash light meter, or experiment.</p>

<p>This has been explained many time on photo.net. try to search for more details.</p>


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