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question on viewfinder

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It's been a long time now that I save money to get a Leica. Possibly the M6. At this point I've to select myself which viewfinder

magnification I'd have. I'm stuck between the .75 and the .85.


Mostly I'm using 35mm lens so I guess that's the main factor. I like to shoot wide-open and my lens will be the nokton 35/1.4.

Is the .85 really better at focusing or practically makes no difference?


The only "rangefinder" I've tried is a childish minolta Al-F. Does anybody know the viewfinder magnification of the al-f so I can somehow


(and don't say, go to a store and try - the closest shop that offers leicas is hours away from my city)


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On a 0.85x the 35mm frames are a bit tight, so you better see it for yourself if it would be ok for you , a 0.72x is much

better suited. If you wear glasses, forget the 0.85x for the 35mm altogether.


If you want the absolutely best viewfinder with exclusive 35mm frames for your Nokton with top focus accuracy, get the

Zeiss Ikon instead - a much better overall camera than a Leica, and unbeatable for ease of use and framing.

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Unless you really go for long lenses -- 75 mm and up -- you don't need the .85 viewfinder. The .72 should do just fine for you

and provides all the frame lines 28 mm through 135 mm. The .85 is intended for predominantly long lens shooters and does

not have 28 mm frame lines. On the other hand, the .58 version is intended for predominantly wide angle shooters and does

not have 135 mm frame lines. I have no problem precisely focusing f1.4 lenses wide open with the .72 viewfinder, and my

eyesight is not all that good anymore.

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Hi Konstantinos,


I have never used a .85 viewfinder but can tell you that the 35mm frame line is the nicest one to use on a .72.


The .72 would be a great choice in my opinion. It will give you frames for 28/35/50/75/90 and 135mm on an M6.


28 is a bit tight on the .72 VF.


50mm should theoretically be easier to focus and use on an .85 VF.

In practise though, I have found that 50mm and 90mm are fine to use with a .72 VF too.


Remember that you can always buy a viewfinder magnifier and use that on .72 if you wish.

I did and find it useful on 90mm and 135mm work.


Have fun with it.



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The magnification of the viewfinder only really helps you when you have either very fast lenses, or long lenses or both. You should be find with 0.72.


If you're going to buy the 50/1.0 maybe the magnification could help a little, but even there you should be ok with 0.72.

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I wear glasses and the 35mm FL are hardly visible using the 0.85x VF, as are the 28mm FL using the 0.72x VF. If your main lens will be a 35mm and your are not planning to use the 50/1.0 as your standard lens, I would recommend the 0.72x VF (that is a M6 classic). If you really like WA lenses, the 0.58x has advantages but Leicas with this VF magnification are difficult to find (used). In this case a Konica Hexar RF is a good (and cheaper) option (.. and the Konica Hexar has a much better VF than the ZI).
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Final word...


<Thanks guys. I'll go with the .72 and If sometime I need desperately bigger I might get the magnifier.>


You can buy a cheap version of these magnifiers on ebay from Japan. That is what I use which is ok for infrequent use.



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I have these cheap version magnifiers (both, a 0.85x de-magnifier and a 1.25x magnifier) and all I can say is that they are ... well cheap. The quality is OK (they are made in Japan but sold via a company in HK) but one gets some kind of "tunnel-vision". Reading the shutter-times of my Hexar RF was impossible using the 1.25x and viewing the LED's of my 0.85x M6TTL was impossible using the 0.85x. Additionally, they dim the VF and since they stick out about one cm from the back-side of the camera, the neck-strap easily entangles itself.
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