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Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM suppliers.

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I am ready to buy my first lens and am really looking forward to getting this baby.

It's exactly what I want and after a lot of research I'm hoping it's all it's

made out to be.


My question is about suppliers.


I'm in the UK where everything is more expensive because of Gordon Brown and his

merry band of drunken slime ball men!


I was look on amazon uk and the cost of this lens is ᆪ1,256.20 ($2,448.97)

whereas on adorama.com I can get it for ᆪ896 ($1,745.00).


As you can see there is a massive difference in price partly because there is a

$125 rebate at present but its still a difference of about ᆪ290 ($565.35).


I have to add $50 shipping.So I would end up paying roughly ᆪ920.74 instead of



Still a good saving.


Now, obviously being in the UK any warantee is with Adorama and if anything goes

wrong its going cost me $50 to ship it to them and i'm not sure if I pay return.


Anyway I'm wondering if I am best buying in UK and paying extra or purchasing

from Adorama.


Anyone dealt with them? Pros/Cons!


This isn't grey market product because of the rebate the standard is slightly



I've also asked if they provide extra international warranty of course but they

haven't replied yet.


So what do you guys recommend?







P.S. Why when I write in these posts do I get that funny symbol before the pound


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There are other places in the EU that sell things cheaper than in the UK. There's a big one in Aachen, Germany for example that advertises in Chasseur d'Images, the leading French photo magazine. There are others as well. Amazon has sites in Germany and France that may be worth looking into. Luxembourg prices tend to be lower than average, but you'll have to go there to get them.


Importing into the EU from the outside means paying customs, VAT and a processing fee. To make things worse, the monkeys include the shipping costs when they do this :-(.

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You will not be able to benefit from any US rebate. You will be liable for duty (about 6%) and VAT on the price including shipping and insurance, plus a fee for dealing with customs, and your credit card is likely to give you no more than $1.85 to the pound. I doubt you will save anything at all importing from the US. Importing from the EU may not be much better: although there are no further taxes to pay, VAT rates are higher in Continental countries, and the Euro has strengthened somewhat since the lens was released, despite falling a little on the Irish referendum result. Many EU suppliers charge extra for credit card payment - they are used to direct bank transfer or even COD where their national postal services offer this cheaply. The consequence is that I doubt there are bargains to be had elsewhere at the moment.


On the other hand, there is a wide choice of UK suppliers at fairly similar prices:




I'd avoid the cheapest couple of suppliers, but several others have a reasonable reputation, and the choice may allow you to find one with the lens in stock.

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most people these days are just asking any friend that happens to be coming to the states to pick it up for them..

The lines at B/H are full of non-American accents these days with everyone taking advantage of the weak dollar. If you know anyone that will be coming anytime soon I know most companies will allow you to buy over the phone and pick up at the store to make sure the lens is waiting for you if you happen to be coming to the states...

good luck

great lens


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Daniel, I am English and I work just by adorama and know it very well, they are pretty

good but very plain speaking new yorkers which can take some getting used to, they

are reputable and are probably second only to B&H in new york city. Dude if you want

I can help you out with obtaining this lens (ben.quinn@mac.com), I feel for you having

to pay rip-off Britain prices, its a scam. Some items are 80% more expensive than in

the US. Remember NY & NJ residents have to pay 8% sales tax (because their

warehouse is in NJ and store is in NY).

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everyone that buys at the store pays tax. it has nothing to do with where you live but where you buy. if you mail it out of a state where the company does business then the company does not collect sales tax but it is still "legally" your responsibility to pay the tax in whatever municipality you live in...that's the theory at least. For B/H if you live outside NYC and do mail order - including ordering in the store but having it sent to another state you do not pay tax with your purchase...
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"Importing INTO the EU implies customs, VAT and a processing fee."


As Germany, Luxembourg and the rest are INSIDE the EU, that does not apply.


Something from the USA or Hong Kong is from OUTSIDE and all that does apply.


On the other hand, there are a number of Hong Kong merchants on ebay that say that you'll have nothing to pay in the UK if you buy from them. I don't know how this works or why, but some of these places have so much positive feedback that there is probably at least a certain amount of truth to it. Have a look and make your choice.

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Thanks for your answers.


@Ben Quinn

Nice of you to offer Ben it's really good to hear someone who understands how bad things really are in uk for prices.


@Ralph Jensen

This is not my first lens, I've got two other lenses which are crap in comparison. I feel let down by them and know I will use my camera even more with a good set of lenses.


I know tax is inevitable but when prices can be $1000-$1200 less in US it really just adds to the sheer frustration living in the UK getting ripped of every time you open your wallet... and yes it really is that bad.


Like diesel at $2.92 a litre.

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