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Any tips on making D80 images sharper?


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Find the sharpness setting in the camera and increase it. Raw will not carry sharpness to photoeditor unlessyou use NX.


If this does not do it for you, then use a high enough shutter speed or a tripod.


You probably can not get sharp images without proper holding techniques at less than 1/125 sec with a 35mm lens. A 70mm lens will need a 1/250.


as you can see there are many things to consider most of which I have no idea whether or not they are your problem.

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You should post a sample. Attach a file from the confirmation page when you make a posting.


Here's the hard part - ideally, your image should have intact EXIF information. Most modern apps maintain this information. Just try attaching your file and we'll let you know.

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Hi - There could be 100 things that could help you get sharper images so it is hard to give you just one answer. First, what lenses are you using and what type of photography do you usually shoot? I find that to get the sharpest images possible you need to be using a tripod and it doesn't hurt to have 1st rate glass. Maybe if we have more info from you we could give you more specific suggestions.



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As mentioned by the above, we can guide you better if you can upload a sample image along with the camera settings (EXIF info) and tell us the following about the image:

1) what lens you used;

2) if you used a tripod;

3) if the subject was perfectly still

4) if no tripod, were you perfectly still?

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I have a D80 and early on was getting some soft images. If you handhold like I do a lot, shoot in aperture mode with your lense wide open. This will force the fastest shutter speed possible from the camera. I also use Capture NX so the medium high sharpening setting I have selected in my D80 transfers in when I edit my RAW files. Usually I don't need do monkey with it in NX.


You can also try a VR lens which will allow you to shoot clean pics at a lower shutter speed. Realize, of course, that it will be a slow shutter speed so motion will likely be blurred.

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What software are you using? With Lightroom, I can make a preset that sharpens exactly the way I want it, name the preset, then select it from preset options in my import dialogue and it will be applied to every single image I import from my card.
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