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Nikon 90mmf8 or 110xl ?


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Emile, you may want to consider the Fuji 105 f8 SW. It will easily

cover 5x7 . Has a 250mm image circle. Midwest Photo has one listed on

their website ( mpex.com). I suggest that you call Jim at Midwest. He

is expecting a large shipment of Fuji lenses, both new and used,

sometime next week.

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Those two lenses are in comletely different classes. I own a

Schneider 90 mm lens and although it's a good lens I just don't like

the focal length. The 110 is pretty much like a 35 mm lens

(obviously I mean in 35 mm format) rather than the 28 mm view the 90

gives you. I've always thought that the 28 mm lens was in no man's

land; wide enough for some distortion but not wide enough to be





The 110 is also as modern a lens as there is, and with a honking big

image circle. Although I'm sure the Nikkor is a fine lens, it

hasn't been updated in twenty years. Oh yeah, the 110 would also

cost twice as much as the Nikkor.

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