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Capture NX


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Simple question, but I'm not sure about a simple answer. I have a copy of

Capture NX (trial) and everytime I crank it up an annoying line appears right in

the middle of the work space. It is there the whole time, until I close the

programme again.


Does anybody have any experience of this and how to resolve it?



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Hi Matt,


It's version 1.0.1, The line just appears in the same place over the editing space. It does not appear over the editing menu e.t.c.


I'm not sure what display drivers are?!


I've only just downloaded it, so everything should be up to date?



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Since you say it's the trial version, I would delete it and download the 60-day trial of NX 2. It has many enhanced features.


This is the link for NX 2.....




And this is the link for the 60-day trial....



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Thanks I have got it up and working. The line has gone!


Maybe I'm missing something and I really have tried at this, but I can't mess around with the RAW settings like on the earlier version.


I use a D80. Any ideas?


I have done a search and it should be compatable.

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On the earlier version you have the option were you can change the white balance, sharpness, saturation e.t.c. on the NEF files.


I can't seem to find the option on the new version. In the old version it was done in the browser..the information is there, but you can't change it. It's static.


I'm just wondering if the new version is more aimed at the D300, D3 market. Not my D80?

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I've been using the new version NX2 to edit photos taken with my D80 & love it. What you are looking for is in the "Develop" area. This is open by default for me. Under "Camera settings", you'll find White Balance, Picture Control(Color Mode, Sharpening, Tone Compensation, & Saturation), & Noise Reduction.
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Got it straight away!!


Many thanks, I was looking in the wrong area..plus I couldn't seem to find anything in the instructions.


Thanks for that everybody. It's all been a massive help.


I really love the Capture NX. I've just used Adobe Elements upto now.

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