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How was this shot??


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I don't like to guess the lighting unless I'm quite sure of method, but this will be an exception. At the very least, there are two kinds of lighting being used here, one a very large diffuse source, such as a very large softbox or scrim coming somewhat from the models right (see the soft and indistinct leg shadows behind the model) and a harder source to the model's right. This harder source has created very sharp, double shadows. Could it be a ring light? That hard source appears to be about two f-stops brighter than the other sources and it looks as if a silk or scrim was placed to the left of that hard source to cut spill onto the background behind the model. That's just some food for thought, nothing certain. This photographer has some great accounts and great work. Thanks for the link.

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Now that your post links to a whole set, not those 2 pictures, my comment seems a little out of place... I just don't like the visible backdrop setup in most of the Madame Figaro set, with the hard shadows. But there are some very good shots in there, it's just personal taste :]
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