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Manual film processing using JOBO 2500 series tanks


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I am new to large format photography. I've been using a Yankee Agitank (picked up used). I'm getting some uneven development (surprise?) As I'm on a limited budget I can't justify the expense of a JOBO processor but I am interested in the tanks (less chemicals used, even development) Has anybody had any experiance with this? Does anybody have any suggestions for getting better results with the Yankee tank? I don't have the space to do in tray processing.


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Use that Yankee tank for a planter or something....




Try a Unicolor 8x10 print drum; you can develop up to four sheets of 4x5 or an 8x10, the ribs allow solutions to get around to the base side of the film so you don't get mottling, and you can roll it back'n'forth on a tabletop or use the motor roller base.




These things are really common on the used-equipment market and work great.

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I second John Hicks recommendation for the Uniroller drums. I began

using them this summer after I purchased a couple of motor bases and

drums from one of the super folks on this forum. I had used the

system when I worked at a newspaper for 35mm, but not for 4x5 and

8x10. I have not gotten a bad negative out of it yet. The best thing

is that it standardizes the agitation, thus eliminating one more

variable. You can pick up the drums on E-Bay for $10-15, or I have

seen them used at camera stores. In the meantime, the Jobo drums will

work with hand agitation, but is more of a pain in the keester.





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Welcome to the forum. Look back at the archived threads for

discussions on many options. A couple weeks ago, there was a

discussion on using the Jobo drums for hadn inversion processing.




I don't think Jobo recommends the drums for hand inversion processing

of sheet films. (2509n reels and 2502(?) drum), but some people do it

anyway. You're not going to save much chemicals, as you're going to

have to fill the drum to process this way. I was going to suggest

what the others have - you should be able to pick up a used Unicolor

8x10 drum and a motor base for $50. That beats the price of the 2509n

reel and 2500 drum by a long shot (Also, if you look for the Jobo 4x5

reels used, be sure they are the 2509n and not the plain 2509, as

there is a redesign to improve agitation.)




The BTZS tubes are a good idea, too, and homemade construction

instructions for them are even given in <em>Beyond the Zone

System</em> by Phil Davis. One problem I think there is with them,

though, is that there is no ribbing in the tubes like in the Unicolor

drum, even in the commercially sold BTZS tubes, so the anti-halation

layer on the back of the films may not completely clear, and you have

to refix to finish the processing. This is somewhat bothersome to

me. But I've never had that problem with the Unicolor drums.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am happy to report that the unicolor drums performed as I had

hoped. I just Developed 12 negs and all are evenly developed and

scratch free. I did the agitation by hand since the roller base I

purchased hasn't arrived yet. By the way the Yankee tank makes a

great film washer.


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