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35L Captured the Birth of My Daughter!

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If you remember, I was asking for advice on lenses to capture the birth of my

daughter. I ended up bringing the 35L and the 17-55 2.8, but most of the pics

were from the 35L. The low light capabilities were great, and the bokeh was

excellent. Here is a link to the birth announcement page that also has some

exposures that I snapped off. All are taken by me with the 40d, except for the pic

of me. That one was with the Sony P/S. The bottom two pics are my absolute

favorites! Please take a look, and let me know what you think. Thanks for all of

your advice.





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Congratulations, I wish Sydney a long, happy and healthy life.


> I was asking for advice on lenses . . . <


Yes, I remember that thread well.


> let me know what you think.<


The pick of the shots, IMO, is the tight H&S portrait of Sydney, where she is asleep and the light is on her face, coming from top camera left.


This image just exudes the innocence of a newborn and the fact that the small hand is in the plane of focus, adds impact to the image, IMO.


My guess is the Mother and Daughter shot (bottom left) will be your favourite: and rightly so too!


Thanks for sharing.




PS: I am not sure what scope `let me know what you think` encompasses . . .


On a technical note, I think you hade capacity to move the ISO higher: Thus as you chose to work in Av mode you could have set F2 or F2.5, (rather than F1.4) and you would have still been able to hold the Shutter Speed within a good working range.


On the tight head shot I mentioned above, for example, if you had pumped the ISO to 800, and set Av = F 2.5 that would have still given you a SS = 1/100, but the narrower aperture would have given you about twice the DoF to work with . . . getting her cute little nose in focus too.


None of the above technical comment, diminishes in any way from the serenity, warmth and emotion exhibited from the images.



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