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Anyone have experience with Fuji GA645?


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I used the Fuji 645GA for about 2 months. It's a nice camera with a very sharp lens. The Autofocus is very noisy, and the shutter is very quiet. I found the combination a bit unerving. Too often I was left not knowing if I had taken the picture or not. My pictures turned out fine, but for me the combination of delay in the shutter snapping the picture with the nearly imperceptible sound of the shutter (even with the optional chirp setting) did not leave me with confidence that I had taken a picture of what I wanted. This problem may be unique to me. In every other respect the camera is great, and I would recomend it highly. The construction is solid, the lens is beautiful, and the built in flash is very handy. The ability to print exposure information directly on the negative (outside the picture area) is a wonderful feature I have seen on no other camera.
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  • 3 months later...

I have used owned this camera for about a month (about 20 rolls of film), and in general, I really like it and I'm very pleased with the results.




What's great about it--

1. A superb lens, as good as any medium format lens I've ever used!

2. Lightweight, compact and very handholdable.

3. Excellent autofocus, with a hit rate about equal to a good 35mm slr, with readout to confirm focus point.

4. Excellent autoexposure, with full manual, isn't TTL, but acts like it is.

5. Really fast, easy loading.

6. Built in flash.

7. Very quiet shutter.

8. Data imprinted in film out of picture area. A GREAT feature.

9. 16 exposures (instead of 15 on most other 645s

10. Very bright viewfinder with auto paralax correction and info readouts




What I don't like as much--




1. Manual focus is more zone focus than a true manual.

2. Noisy focus and film wind.

3. Non-interchangeable lens (but, this feature will save you a lots of money!)




Conclusion: calling this a medium format point and shoot seriously sells it short. It is a quality professional camera with an awesome lens. (I have made some 16x20s that would knock your socks off.)




David Garth

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I've read the book but it doesn't tell me one thing...

if holding the GA645 in the traditiona method of holding a 35mm SLR.

is the picture in view given in the 6 or 4.5 view. Confusing question.

I like to take a lot of wide angle shots and I don't really like holding a camera sideways to get the picture..do you follow?




How is this camera set up? tnx.

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I think that it is quite obvious from the manual that the FUJI GA645, held in the 'traditional' manner of 35mm SLRs, captures images in a 'portrait' format i.e. 6cmm vertical and 4.5 horizontal. The manual also warns the user not to turn the camera on the side that would allow the bulge of the lens to cast any shadows on the autofocus sensing element. As for not getting used to shooting 'landscape' format in the 'traditional' way, I say. get used to it! It's not all that difficult to re-learn and the quality of the GA645 more than makes up for it. Cheers and good hunting!

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Any Railroad photographers interested in starting own area on here?

I'm interested in getting a Medium Format Camera, but currently only Shoot with a T-90...works great but want something that will give me a great big picture.




Someone from Texas sent me a message full of info. but didn't have their e-mail attached. Name was Gary . txn bill

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