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Nikon lenses on an Olympus DSLR?


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I have a few Nikkor lenses (manual and auto focus) and I was thinking on buying

an Olympus DSLR to use them because I was told that I could drive them and

have metering with the MF lenses. A thing that, strangely, I cannot do with an

entry level Nikon DSLR. Is that wright?


Do I need a special adapter with glass or any of the many we can see selling on

ebay is just ok? Can I adapt other lenses like the OM?


And will I have image stabilization with them on a E510, for instance?


Thanks in advance.


Best regards,


Nuno Campos.

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Nikon DSLR is a good option for AI, AIS and AF Nikkors. Their lower cost bodies (ie: D80) however doesn't metering with manual focus lens. You will need more expensive D200, D300, D2X, D3 and etc bodies.


For E510, you can get an adapter at ebay easier. You do need to install version 1.3 firmware to get image stablization.



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Your metering will be limited to "stop down metering". Basically, the adapter will hold the aperture closed, so the metering and the view through the viewfinder will be stopped down. If you shoot wide-open typically this will not be a problem, but if you like shooting at f/11 then you will find it a little inconvienent. You will have to focus with the lens opened up, and then stop it down to meter and shoot.
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As far as I know, only manual lenses will work. Any adapter will do. Most systems� lenses will work; only the Hexanon will need custom modification, and the Adaptall will need two adapters. Image stabilisation will work, but focus confirmation only with Dandelion adapters; they are available standalone, or already integrated into Fotodiox adapters.
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It depends on which lenses you have and whether they are worth of the new camera, but if I were you I would just get a used D200 instead. In some places you can probably still pick it up as new. It is an absolutely lovely camera to have, and your lenses would be used to the best of their potential. Again, it depends on which lenses you have.


- Sergey

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Nuno, your Nikkors will work perfectly on an E-510. Despite having to focus them

manually, all will have image stabilization. Also, light metering can be spot, center-

weighted or matrix. You will be able to shoot both in manual and aperture automatism

mode. Go ahead without doubts!

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