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D300 or just another D70


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I've been shooting with the D70 for nearly 4 years, I can't really say that I've ever felt short in the resolution department. Well exposed and composed images will print up to 12x18, not problem at all. I've won lots of appreciation from the local camera club.


I have pondered the D300 for some time but I don't feel that the upgrade will take me where I'd like to be, which is closer to 18Mp (ie, 3x the resolution, or 170% larger in both dimensions).


Where I'm noticing the big issue is more with the glass than with the body. I have the wonderful 18-200 VR lens which is my travelling lens and it spends 60% of the time on the camera. When I'm out to shoot more seriously I take my 50mm/1.8 and my 90mm/2.8 macro. Those give much nicer images to my increasingly trained eye.


I was told once that the body is just a place to hang the glass. With film I'd tend to agree. With digital it's more complex because the body is the equivalent to the body and the film in more traditional terms.


The next conundrum comes with the expectation that Nikon will expand it's full frame lineup, possibly down into my amateur price range, in the future. Then what glass does one buy, DX or "FX" capable lens?


Personally, for now, since I'm fundamentally happy with my combo, and "touch wood" it's reliable enough, I'm holding firm and will look for older fast lens that will still cover the "FX" frame. Then again, the next DX00 may change my mind!

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