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Mysterious Concentric Rings on my Prints


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Greetings, I have a curiuos problem. My prints have visible concentric rings as part of the image. I am printing 4x5 B&W negs with an Aristo cold light, Bessler MX enlarger, Nikon 135 mm lens, Ilford filters (beneath the lens) and VC papers. The problem is more obvious in areas of sky where it's easy to see. The rings are not centered on the paper, they do not coorespond to the windings of the cold light tube, the diffuser material looks uniform, the negs are clean, the filters are apparently uniform and the lens appears clean. My nice prints are being haunted!!! I would like to find out what causes this and what to do about it. I would rather not reinvent the wheel on this one.

Thanks in advance to those who contribute helpful info.


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Does sound like Newton rings which are caused by moisture between the negative and glass plate of the negative holder and appears as an interference pattern on the image.

I was plagued with this a while back and no matter what I did I could not get rid of it until I used AN glasses top and bottom in my carrier. Now you have to be causious if you use two AN glasses, for some makes will project a pattern and it will be like viewing the image through frosted glass.

Some films seem more prone to Newton's rings on their lower surface then others, and I believe its thoughs films with shinney emulsions that indeed cause the most problems, eg. TMax, APX 25.

Hope this is of some help. Let us know how things work out.

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Keith: If you haven't already, made a contact print to make sure the

rings aren't on the neg. Sometimes you can't see slight tone changes

on the neg that show up quite well on the print. Are the rings at the

same spot every time? Try a print without a filter. Is your Beselar

teh type with a bellows above the negative carrier? If so, try moving

it up or down to see if there is an improvement. Remove the filter

and try different aperatures. I have never had a problem with below

the lens filters, but I suppose its possible. Also, change the

distance from the filter to the lens to see if you have reflection

problems. Hope this helps,





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A little more information might be useful. For example, how many

rings are there? Are they lighter than the surrounding area or

darker? If lighter, then it seems likely that somewhere along the

line something circular is getting into the light path. With the

Besler MX series of enlargers and a cold light head, I believe the

upper bellows should be fully compressed. If yours isn't, it's

conceivable that something inside the upper bellows is interfering

with the light path. Are your filters circular? If so, they might be

the culprit. Finally, on the left side of the enlarger there is a

holder that is designed to hold a red filter and that can be swung

underneath the lens to allow you to see the print without exposing

the paper. Although the filter that Beseler makes for this holder is

square, Wthe interior of it is circular. When not in use, this holder

is swung out of the light path. Is yours pushed fully to the left and

away from you so that it is out of the light path?

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