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4x5 tray processing


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I just bought the Dick Arentz book "Platinum & Palladium Printing." He has a chapter on film processing. He himself seems to lean toward tray processing, because he useses an unusually large film size. I am just getting started with 4X5 and am considering tray processing for the advantages gained by not being tied to constant agitation. In his description of agitation he recommends lifting the film completely out of the developer at regular intervals. Isn't bringing the wet film into contact with the air that often likely to cause problems? I would have thought you would want to keep the film submerged as much as possible. thanks -----JimJ
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Jim...it is not so much lifting out as it is shuffling the film. Much

like a deck of cards. You do not necessarily pull the film out of the

tray, but merely alternate the order of the sheets of film while in

the developer. Though it requires a bit of caution and practice, it

is an inexpensive and practical way to develop film. Photographers

have been doing it for "THOUSANDS" of years!!! -Dave

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To tell you the truth, I will be a very low volume operation, and was

planning on processing one sheet at a time. So there is little danger

of scratching the film. I really thought it would be proper to just

slide the sheet in the developer, or maybe use a slosher type tray,

and rock the developer tray from side to side and front to back to

agitate. Then I read this chapter in the book that mentions that you

should lift the film clear of the developer at regular intervals. I

believe that the thought is this will provide a period of more

aggressive agitation as the film is ripped out and then slid back in,

but I am not sure if that is the idea or not.

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I usually use a Jobo for processing sheet film, but for 8x10 and 4x5

that requires N-/N+ development I go to trays. I could never get the

hang of shuffling film without scratches, so I use multiple trays

with one and no more than two per tray. This also makes it easier to

do a batch of negs that require different dev times. I use 5x7 trays

for the 4x5 negs, two 11x14 trays for a water bath and a couple of

the smaller for fixing. If you use one sheet per tray, you never

have to touch the film, just rock the tray during development. If

you don't want to mess with so many trays, you can take an 11x14 or

16x20 and make a divider to have 4 or 6 bays. The divider has holes

drilled in it to let the developer circulate but keeps the film in

place. I bring these ideas up because as you get aclimated, you are

going to want to see the fruit of your efforts quicker than one sheet

at a time. If you want further consistency look at various threads

concerning JOBO processors, mine is superb for most jobs and formats.




Good luck and enjoy,

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Thank you for your response to my post. The system you describe is

pretty much what I had in mind. The Arentz book even describes making

a divider system by using suction cups and Q-tips stuck to the bottom

of the tray. I was mainly wondering if rocking the trays gave a

vigorous enough agitation. I haven't had a darkroom for years. I know

I used to do prints that way, but wasn't sure if it would work for





There are two problems that occur to me with the JOBO system. I know

one of the touted advantages is less chemical use. I just worry that

just because you use enough to satisfy the tank requirements, that

doesn't mean you are using an optimum amount for proper processing.

In other words I worry that you might not have enough chemicals. The

second problem is the idea of constant agitation. This may be ideal

for color work (isn't that what the JOBO was actually designed for?),

but for B&W there are definite advantages to lower agitation rates

(edge effect, and higher accutance). Have you not run into either of

these using the JOBO with B&W. Thanks again--JimJ

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I went through the same dilema and tried slosher trays, shuffling and

ended up on the HP Combi Plan tank system. It is really good perfect

negs svery time. It is a daylight tank so you can work in room light

once the film is loaded. Good Luck!





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When you get tired of your hands itching or having latex gloves on

your wet sweaty hands, try a plain old tank w/hangers. Been done like

that for "hundreds of thousands of years." You can use tupperware or

make small thin plexiglass containers that hold just enough developer

for one shot processing. Or like I did, get a unicolor drum with a

motor base(cheap) and learn the awesome look of constant agitation

developing. My negs are smoother, richer in detail, and sharp as a

tack now. And no scratched film. James

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With regards to the JOBO, I find that you get absolute consistency

once you have established processing times for a given devloper and

film combination. Also once film is loaded the lights stay on, which

allows me to perform other tasks while the processor is running.

With regards to chemistry, as long as you use the minimum required

stock developer of 100-150ml as recommended by various sources for 80

sq inches of film and use at least the minimum of chemistry, there

are no problems. I use older style tanks and reels that require 170ml

for 6 sheets of film and total volume allows for 1-1 dilutions and 1-

2 if less film processed at one time.




With regards to agitation, you have to establish new times for

processing the film, anywhere from 10-30% less then with tray or

inversion. I have never seen any difference in grain between a JOBO

and tray, the constant agitation just increases developer activity

and thus you reach a certain degree of contrast quicker. I have

tested and used a variety of developers, D-76, XTOL, HC-110 and rollo-

pyro. I still have some problems getting the times down with Rollo-

Pyro to equal tray with ABC Pyro, but I may stick with the trays for

Pyro as I have read it is more forgiving for inspection processing.

For more information on JOBO processing, John Hicks who is a

frequent contributor to these forums has an article at

unblinkingeye.com where he discusses these issues in greater depth.

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The only time that I used tray processing was many years ago when I

used film packs. The film is very thin and there is no problem with





For forty years, I used 4x5 hard rubber Kodak tanks and hangers. This

method if fool proof and super easy. Two years ago I bought a JOBO

processor and now use JOBO's Expert drums for most sheet film

processing. Occasionally I will use the tanks and hangers if I am

using some exotic developer that I made mayself.




Since you don't have a JOBO, I suggest you use hard rubber tanks and

hangers. Absolutely foolproof.

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To avoid the problem of damaging the emulsion in tray processing I put

the sheets in face up, then shuffle from the bottom of the stack,

lifting the leading edge of the sheet slightly as I reinsert it into

the chemistry, passing it under the liquid with a sweeping motion from

the front of the tray to the back of the tray. It's easier to

demonstrate than to describe, but once you get the hang of it,

scratched film is not likely to be a problem.

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The above comments show how highly individual this subject is. There

are probably as many opinions on this subject as film developers.

Tray developing especially, takes a bit of dexterity and can result

in damaged film. That said, let me explain why I chose tray

developing over the other methods. First, it requires no special

equipment and no related investment. Second, it is flexible. I

develop from 1 to 8 sheets at a time, many times adding sheets during

the developing so that I can develop N+, N and N- negatives and

different film types together in one batch. Third, and most

importantly, evenness of development with correctly done tray

processing is superior to most other methods. (Just take a look at

the test prints in Leslie Strobel's "View Camera Technique" for a

confirmation of this.) I can travel with a bottle of developer and

three trays and develop in hotel bathrooms if necessary; anyone's

rental darkroom has adequate facilities for me to develop film; a

boon for the travelling photographer. One can easily altenate between

agitation schemes: stand development, continuous agitation or

anywhere in between; inspection is possible if needed (althogh I

don't inspect); and the same technique works for all sizes of sheet





So Jim, before shelling out money on lots of equipment, try the low

tech method first. Take out six sheets and use them for practice

shuffling. I develop the film face-up, shuffling from bottom to top

and lifting the film completely out of the developer before laying it

back down flat on the developer surface and pushing it down gently

with the balls of the fingers (I use pyro regularly and have had NO

problems with aerial staining). I agitate once through the stack

every 60 seconds, regardless of the number of films. this means

faster shuffling for more sheets. Start with three or four sheets. As

you gain experience, you will be able to add more. The limit is your

comfort and coordination. Sorry this got so long, but I hope it helps

in your decision-making process.

Regards, ;^D)

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I like tray developing because it saves you a lot of time in the

darkroom. You don't have to print all those scratched negatives and

have more time to get out and shoot. If you are doing more than a

couuple of negatives, get a roller drum and motor base. The tank and

rack system can lead to a lot of streaking and uneven skies. Even

Saint Ansel, who used tray processing a lot, said he "seldom" had a

scratched neg. He didn't say he "never" had one.





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Well, now that you saw Doremus's method let me tell you about mine, I

got me an expert drum, I fill it with chemical, put it on a beseler

motor base and set the timer....when I hear the buzzer I drain the

developer, put fixer, again I hear the buzzer.....wash and I am

done...I did not have to spend 13 minutes in the dark, shuffling

sheets, risking damage to them, etc. To me this is the best

compromise, I did not get the entire Jobo ssystem, is overpriced for

what you get, but te drums are fabulous!

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No one has mentioned allergic reaction to having your hands in that

stuff all the time. I've been messing with big film for about 7 years

now, and got to my allergic threshold in about 2. Once that has been

accomplished, it takes very little MQ to bring the tingling sensation

back. I guess all the tray guys use gloves, but I'm too clumsy to

shuffle film with no gloves, let alone with.




On another note, since you're thinking in terms of PT/ PD you'll no

doubt get curious and want to give Pyro a try. That's also good stuff

to keep your hands out of. But once I saw a really good Pyro neg, I

couldn't live with anything else. After fighting streaks and other

aberations because of the darn Pyro, I'm back to one at a time in a

tray, and no I don't introduce any extra oxygen to the film, I just

gently rock for 8 minutes or so. I've got a big pile of film waiting

to be developed because of all the extra time it takes to do them 1 at

a time.




You'll eventually find what works best for you and it will likely be

different than all 98 ways in this post.

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If you have even three or four negatives to develop I think you're

going to get real tired of developing each one individually in a

tray. You'll have to be concerned with varying the times to take

exhaustion of the developer into account (or use new developer for

each sheet of film) and it's no fun standing in the dark with your

hands in all those chemicals. I use tray development for 8x10, doing

four sheets at a time, and it works o.k. but if I used 8x10 enough to

justify the cost, I'd buy the BTZS 8x10 tubes ($60 each for 8x10). I

don't, so I tolerate the tray for 8x10 but I don't like it. Among

other things, trying to keep track of which sheet gets which

developing time is a real pain. For 4x5 I use the BTZS tubes and like

them a lot. I think they're a very cost and space effective

substitute for the Jobo system, which is an excellent system but it

does take up a lot of space (and money).

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The JOBO expert drums have some of the most consistent negative

densities you can get, per densitometer measurements. Very even skies

& very repeatable.

So, I process my sheets in trays & view the negatives by inspection

to make final decisions as to development 'on the fly' and in the


It works for negs from 4x5 to 20x24 and is simple. It is definately

NOT for everyone.

If you are allergic to Metol there are many developers that don't

have it.

Trays, tanks, rotary or whatever, try any one & if you like the

results, stick with it. After a bit you will find the shortcomings

and every method has some. You will hit a balance as to what works

for you & this helps make darkroom time more enjoyable & relaxing.

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