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Leica CM with weird lens


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I got this from KEH, came with the lens cover open, lens won't retract fully, even

with fresh batteries, but I notice there's no markings on the lens. Do you suppose

it's been (inadequately) repaired or is this a known variant? (I wasn't able to google

any leica cm pics that had the lens looking like this).<div>00PTUn-43557684.jpg.a2fe184b1955da0ae816766f7aeabaaa.jpg</div>

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Hi Gary , the lens should retract and a metal door should slide across.

My advise open the back and check if something is blocking it.do not force it. If its all clear it needs repair. Strange our CM does not look like this there is no black on the outer lens and the Leica Summarit is printed on the front.

Look at the photo.

I hope this helps.


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Yes, it was a filter ring, with a "twist." (pun intended). Apparently, the original lens barrel "name plate" (with summarit f2 40mm written on it), was missing, and instead this filter ring was attached to it with silicon. The filter ring came off easily, but I'm not about to mess around and try to remoe the silicon residue, and who knows what else is damaged, especially since this indicates some lens damage. Thanks for your help.<div>00PUEn-43711584.jpg.1c0da035bedde44a0fd2c9967c9f4ea8.jpg</div>
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I cannot believe it! That was my CM and that ring you just removed was a filter adaptor I had custom made by SK Grimes that was glued on. I sold it on eBay about a year ago. It was glued on with silicone. It prevents the built-in cover from closing but I just used a snap-on lens cap instead. Glue that sucker back in there and enjoy the only known CM in the world that takes filters!
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There is no damage to the lens, by the way. The name plate ring pops right off and this custom filter ring was designed to fit perfectly inside the recessed annular groove that is left behind and to sit flush with the front on the camera when the lens is retracted.
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