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BEWARE EBAY SELLER member446885...

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<p>Although this is a little late I still thought it worth posting my dealings with Mr. Keith Rock a.k.a. member446885...<br>

The initial problem was when he listed a 200 m.m. lens as being a Pentax (under his make heading). When I received it it turned out to be a Hanimex, fearing that I may have made a mistake I relooked at the advertisement only to find that he always puts the camera 'Fit' under 'Make' and leaves his 'Fit' heading blank. He refused to give me a refund.<br>

About a year later I was sufficiently crazy to deal with him again and ordered several items. When I received the parcel three of these items were missing. I sent him an email to let him know about this, waited for over two weeks and decided that it was time to try again. This time thinking that it would make life easier for him I sent three simultaneous emails each detailing one of the missing items. Another two weeks passed and I sent him an email asking him what was happening about this. A little later I received an email from him telling me that he had 'better things to do with his time than answering my emails' and also calling me an arse and a w**ker.<br>

Feeling rather aggrieved at his attitude I posted my feedback which included the names that I had been called, considering them just about sufficient common parlance to publish. Within hours Ebay was on to me like a 'ton of bricks' for repeating what he had called me. This led to me having a lengthy argument with Ebay as they had decided to 'red card' me. No matter how I tried to rebalance this ridiculous situation I found that I couldn't win. Of course he also used some of his usual abusive (used to anyone who disputed anything with him) words as a reply to my statement which I had been forced to change to a rather limp 'Called me names that Ebay wouldn't allow me to publish'.<br>

My dispute with Ebay continued until I eventually became so annoyed that I told them that I would leave to rid myself of this unjust 'red card' and rejoin. This lost me over 230 good comments and 100% good record, but I simply felt that I had to take some action. Though I must confess that my public reporting of these words may have been a little ill advised, my reasoning had been that I hear kids using them every day of the week, so who were they going to offend - I've played safe with one of them here as you can see - the other simply meaning backside surely isn't that bad?!* Naturally I then had to seek recompense from Mr. Keith rock via 'Paypal', which though rather drawn out eventually came out in my favour. Deal with this guy only if you enjoy unpleasantness and being conned, otherwise give him a very, very wide berth.</p>

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<p >I would want to share another negative experience with this seller.</p>

<p >I had already purchased from this seller and fortunately without hassle excluding the long time of consignment and the packages done with cheap material.</p>

<p >Last December I have purchased a lens (Nikon 35 mm f2.5 E series) that has arrived not working (the type of breakdown could not be caused by the transport but it had already been put in sale broken). I have sent a mail to the seller that reply to me to send back the object and he would have refunded the paid price.</p>


<p >I have re-sent the object with signed for mail and I have attended around 1 month. Since then the seller has not answered to my emails and those anymore of paypal on which I had opened a claim. He wait until deadline for dispute expires.I have given him the negative feedback and he in answer has written to have sent me the reimbursement. Absolutely not true. I have never received some reimbursement from this “gentleman” that says only lies. Naturally I won't buy anymore from this seller.</p>

<p >Ebay has closed the claim saying that there have been no violations of the rule and I am waiting the result of the claim on paypal. Unfortunately is ebay that doesn't work well, because protects very more the sellers that the buyers.</p>

<p >Thank you and regards from Italy</p>



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<p>Ferndowncameras: Last month I bought a black-rimmed Canon 50mm f1.2 in bad condition, but said to be a working item.<br>

<br /></p>

<p>When it arrived, three of the aperture blades were <em>ripped</em> . I took them out, cleaned the lens up and shot a picture of the blades. Asked for a partial refund, which was given straight away. No need to take pride in that for Keith Rock though, since it was more than obvious that the lens was a non-working item, and as such deliberately listed wrongly.<br>

<br /> <br /> Anybody got a Canon 50mm f1.2 in teribble condition available? It only needs to have three aperture blades straight... :)</p>

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<p>Update: same old same old.....<br>

Yes --avoid this slimeball at all costs. I bought a Yashica zoom desc. as`"perfect working order"--it was absolutely filthy and wouldn't focus. It took weeks of emails, texts and phone calls with no replies until I caught him on the phone at his warehouse of crap. I did eventually get a partial refund so I did better than my brother who I learned had been ripped off completely on a Nikon lens.<br>

Steve Scarlett.</p>

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