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Missing shots at formals. Not really!


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I was wondering what can I do to avoid this kind of problem. When a bride or her

mother call you one week, after have seen the online proofs, asking for pictures

with bride and aunt "lucy" from someville that you never took it.


I completely agree and understand when a photographer forgets some shots the

frustration to find out after.

The problem is that I never got a list from them and such photo was never

requested even after I have asked many times if there was a need for any other

picture, do you have any special requests? and etc...


What to do with such cases? how can I put on my contract that the family is

responsible for missing shots that I had no idea because I don't know their

entire family and most cases they forget to remember the photographer. This have

happen not only with me but with 3 friends that are professionals for years and

follow strict pose lists for formals and yet they call back complaining about

missing photos.


I wish there was a way for me to avoid this because no matter how many times you

ask the family (not only the bride and groom) they will forget too and I totally

understand their frustration but can not be responsible for these incidents.


Any suggestions?

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We work from a list that we have the bride send to us at least two weeks prior to the wedding. We also ask the mother as well as the bride during the formals if there are any other pictures that they would like to have us take.


We have never had anyone ask us about any "missing" shots that they thought we took or were going to take.


I think including the mother in the discussion does help.

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The following is in my contract:


The Bride and Groom will designate an individual to identify people of whom specific photographs are desired.

? YOUR STUDIO NAME is not responsible for missing shots of those on the VIP list if there is no one to assist in identifying these people, if you failed to produce a list, if the list was stolen, if they didn't show, if they are negative about being photographed, or they can't be located.

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I tell the B&G I have a list I go by but prefer the Maid of Honor or Best Man help direct family members because I have no idea who these people are. When the formals are over I go back through the list with the director or if there isn't one the B&G to make sure we got everyone.
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It should be in your contract that you are not liable for any missing photos of any kind, since you cannot control other people. You should also have a clause in the contract about needing the cooperation of the couple and everyone involved. You should make sure these two points are crystal clear with the couple, even going to the length of having them initial beside the clause. Beyond that, try your best to get a list, if you work with lists, and if you can't, at least you have the contract to point to. You can, if you want, make the couple sign off on a statement before you leave the wedding, but that is getting a bit fussy and may have a detrimental effect on your relationship with the couple. However, it can save you from further grief if you feel it is warranted.
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At the close of the formals, I always ask:


Are you sure we got everybody? Uncles? Aunts? Nieces? Nephews? Parents? Grandparents?


It doesn't hurt at all to ask. If somebody is left out, or wants a picture with "Just Me and My Daughter", they always pipe up.


One more thing: If you take this approach, you have something that often carries more weight than a contract:







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Don't like and don't photoshop. The bride will know who she took a picture, or not.


This is why you need that contract and also communicate with your clients that due to the nature of the event, not everything will get done. I really encourage my clients to keep their lists down to a minimal and anything else we can get is a bonus.

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The bride will often forget who she had her photo taken with (day is a blur and maybe also other people where taking shots and she doesn't remember in the whirl of things who took what photo). I know this for two reasons....


One - I've been a bride and I did not remember that I didn't have a photo with Randy and I and my sisters... I did have one taken with just me and my sisters... Oh well. And Two - I also know from what brides tell me... :"oh yay - I didn't remember that you took a photo of me with my cousin... I was sure I forgot that - and look here - we do have it!"


She could be confused by the fact that she knew she had her picture taken with her Aunt Lucy but perhaps it was a friend or relative that actually took the shot and she thinks it was you.


Sure a list can be a pain - but wouldn't you rather have a couple and parents that are happy that they got all the picutures they wanted? Or is it ok to hear "Gee I love our photos but I wish I had remembered Uncle John, he lives so far away and we so rarely have him together with the family"... etc..


So - a list but with a caveat - Formals - immediate family only (to save time and get the best results). Later - handful of aunt/uncle/friends shots. Also a good idea to bring the list and hand it to a designated person who checks off everything that is asked for. Also important to make sure the couple/family is realistic about timing and what can or can't be accomplished.


And, at last - yes - do have a clause in the contract that you will do everything in your power to get everyone but the contact person (MOH or family relative) needs to assist in making sure the list is completed.

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Mary's right ... the bride generally is to busy to fuss with "a list" on the wedding Day and frankly, in my observation, she shouldn't be asked to worry about it at all at that time. She should focus on the joy of the day yet I do ask for the information Before the wedding day arrives.


I just got off the phone with a bride regarding "the list" for formals. She's read my list of "tips" on creating a time line and she's downloaded a couple of sample time lines and formal lists from my website. She knows how long each grouping will take (an average time) and she knows how much time to allot to each grouping so she and the groom and the family can plan the formal shot list Before the wedding and I'll manage the list at the time of shooting the formals: all names are written out for each planned photo. (yup, there's always the unplanned ones that occur at some point too ... smile).


I ask them to "do the math" for the time they've alloted; they are asked to list all the shots they wish to have done and place them in Priority. Shots we don't have time for at the location can be taken later but the Photography Champion is in charge of gathering the people at the reception and letting me know they are ready for a photo. This actually can be a bit of fun at the reception as you watch family gather and notify each other for their shot. It just feels right for some reason to get some of the seemingly less important shots later at the reception.


I make it perfectly clear that I will shoot from the list at the formals location and after that point I need the family to let me know when the next shot is ready. My style is photojournalism but I enjoy the formals and have fun with them.


Pre-planning this is the key and getting the bride to give me a time line with a shot list is my protection. I merely have to do the clicks.

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We have a list to go by---but, is only issued to a friend or someone in the family. I have a location selected on the property > for everyone to placed accordingly. All "important" family members are shot 2 hours before the wedding. If anyone is missed ~ it's out of my hands. There is a 20 minute window for candid shots of friends, during the cocktail hour.
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Our contract states that no shot is guaranteed.


We sit down with clients for a planning session several weeks before the wedding. A list of formals is comprised along with a timeline that guarantees we will have enough time to do what we came to do. Most people think 20 minutes is too long to photograph as they hand you a list of 75 shots they downloaded from genericpose.com. A reasonable shot list for FORMALS is great because it allows you to interact more without having to worry about missing something. We just have an assistant check them off as we run down the list. If a bride gives us a list of "other shots" she wants, it usually ends up in the trash. "I want a 3/4 shot of me standing in the doorway and then... and then... when we cut the cake I want..." Um, yeah. Right.


Shot list for formals. Everyone sees it and agrees to it. If someone gets left out, whose fault is it if they aren't on the list or if they aren't present when you photograph?

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Thanks for all your relevant help, I'm changing my contract but not my attitude.

I do my best to not forget a picture at the formals session but I can not guess people faces and I do have a list signed by the brides that means very little after the wedding and I was looking for a way to enforce this without being rude to the brides, even if they were wrong, that, in my opinion would ruin referrals but the soft position is not helping either.

Thanks all for the input.


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