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E510 or 420 with 25mm/2.8


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I am a long time film shooter (oly OM, Nikon, Leica, Contax and a bunch of 120

gear) every now and then I try some digital cameras, but never find the one

right for me.


I shoot street photography, and 50mm is about it, when I read that Olympus was

coming out with the 25mm, I got really excited, I've heard great reviews from

the newer E cameras, and with this lens it seems really nice package.


My question is more of a preference issue. what would be a better setup, a 510

(with IS) and the 25mm making it in practice an F1.4 (assuming 2 stops cover of

the IS) shooting lens. or a 420 making the setup much smaller (closer to leica M

sizes). Also, is there much difference in sensor technology between the 2?


my access to actual cameras is limited and would buy on the internet.


thanks in advance

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I wouldn't rely upon IS to consider the ZD 25/2.8 an f/1.4 lens, particular for street

photography and people work. IS does not stop subject movement, it simply allows

you to use a longer exposure time without jiggling the camera.


That said, I find that the vast majority of the time I'm shooting at or around f/5.6-

f/7.1 with the Leica 25mm f/1.4 when I'm street shooting. I need the extra speed

when I want to limit DoF more or am working in low light conditions, trying to capture

people and their expressions. That 25/1.4 is just a bit bulky and heavy sometimes

... It can intimidate the people I'm photographing due to its size.


I don't have the ZD 25/2.8 yet ... it should be here on Thursday ... but it will fit the

Panasonic L1 body perfectly and presents a package virtually identical in overall

size and weight to a Leica M with 50mm f/2 lens, aside from the body being 10mm

thicker and the lens 10mm shorter.


Either the E-420 or E-510 will work nicely with this lens. Which one suits you better

... well, that's something you have to work out.



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The actual difference in size is only the grip, which incidentally gives the E-510 better batterly life since it holds a bigger battery. But the E-420 is lighter, even if 5g heavier than the E-4[01]0.


The E-420 does give you better dynamic range and somewhat less noise at high sensibility in low light, and it is faster. The sensor is newer, but nearly same resolution.


Image stabilisation won't give you much at 25mm except at longer exposures. It isn't the same as fast lenses because it doesn't help in freezing subject motion.


If you are not in a hurry, you may wait one or two months to see what the E-520 in bring in, but I wouldn't wait.


Now speaking of street, what about rangefinders? Perhaps an used Epson R-1Ds with Voigtländer or Zeiss glass won't be so expensive now.

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Used Epson RD-1 bodies, when you can find them, continue to sell at $1400-1800 in

the US. That's three to four times the cost of an E-420 body.


I'd like an RD-1 and a pair of lenses .. Ultron 28mm f/1.9 and Nokton 40mm f/1.4 ...

which is about a $3000 package: a great street kit.



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I know IS wont stop subject motion, but it gives you the option to at least get the shot. My usual shutter speeds with RFs are 1/15 to 1/125' using F2 lenses. So its not new. I guess IS will get me reasonable sharpness with 1/5 or so, when needed. but if the body of the 420 is much smaller the the 510 its a point to have in mind, otherwise the price at amazon.com is similar for both.


About digital RF. the cost is still too high for experimenting, and the volume of photographs I produce (hobby,non profit) does not encourage me to spend that much money.


I just want 1 camera and one lens, that will give me a good quality picture to work with. I have that on film and want to try to get me a set up like that on digital.

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Well, if the shot includes subjects that move, IS doesn't necessarily let you 'get the

shot' ... but then, it isn't a negative (meaning it doesn't degrade anything either)

given the same speed lens to work with, so I'd get it if it were an option.


Haven't seen the E-420 yet. The E-510 is marginally too small for my hands as it is

so I would go for the E-510 in a nonce. I prefer the shape and size of the L1 and E-1

bodies. The E-1 body is better balanced with the larger lenses, the L1 will be

particularly sweet with the ZD 25/2.8 (as it is with the ZD 35/3.5 macro).


One camera and one lens ... go for it! I like the notion of having just a simple

minimum of a good normal lens on a good body. I think it inspires more creativity.



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I wanted a small and light body for travel use but found the 4 series to be just too small. The 5 series is just about ideal, very convenient to use and not too big or heavy. I am also going to get the 25 as soon as I can.
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Diego, it is not an easy decision. They say the 420 has a wider tonal range, although I

find my E-510 good enough in this issue. On the other hand, the IS system is great,

and you can rest sure that you gain at least 2EV with it. And by the way, some

movements in the pictures can provide really aesthetic compositions: </p>


</p> By the way, this one was taken at 1/4s using the IS system (800 ASA): </p>


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I Had the oportunity to play for a short while with the 510, its not that small. In comparison to otrher SLRs it is, like D3, but it's substantialy bigger than expected from the comments I heard.


I dislike as well the botton arrangement; just to many of them. I know that once all is configured I will not touch one of those again. RAW to BW is al I intend to do. so I am inclined to get the 420 as soon as I can get it with the 25 kit. thanks to all of you for your input.

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