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B9180 price drop in Canada??

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I noticed last night that B9180 now goes for about $325 at a number of Canadian

site last night. These are not refurbished machines, or if they were, it wasn't

marked as such.

Since B8850 is suppose to cause almost double, this seems weird to me.


So just wondering, is there's something that I don't know about? are they

replacing this with something newer soon??


Anyway, I placed an order anyway and it's been shipped. Hope everything turns

out well.



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I think that HP might just be unloading them onto the market to get out from under the printers difficulties. In the year and 3 months that I have had this printer it has been replaced by HP twice. Don't get me wrong, HP has stood behind it above and beyond, and the print quality is excellent. This last one was out of warranty and they extended the warranty and replaced it at no charge as well as the first one. I asked the rep that was handling the replacement what was going on with reliability, and he said the machine was "temperamental".
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Just so that you guys don't think I am crazy, check out:




Tiger Direct Ships it for free until end of May, and it's selling the printer for $325.




DirectDial is selling it for $307 with shipping, but I got mine off another site for $320 and it was shipped today.


The price change only happened in the last week or so. Usually, in Canada, everything is more expensive, that's why I placed my order immediately. But after I did that I started wondering if there's something happening that I didn't know about. :p

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See the posting here on the LL site: http://www.luminous-landscape.com/whatsnew/


There are huge price savings in Canada for the 24" Z3100 series too (and the 44" series). If I had room to put it somewhere I'd be buying the Z3100 for the $1500 it is going for up here.


There is also a long thread in LL's forums: http://luminous-landscape.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=25192

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Steve, I found B8850 review at photo-i. So, it is a somewhat stripped down model, close in features to the B9180, but without network connection, simpler display (or none?), a few compromises in the printing mechanisms, with suggested retail about 100 less (600 vs 700).


All this considered, it *is* strange to see the B9180 selling in the low 300's.

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Yeah, that's exactly why I thought it was stranged.... I was actually looking to get the B8850 cause I didn't really need the extras when I came across the cheaper B9180. Since HP is only starting to bring the B8850 out, it would only make sense to keep the price of B9180 above the B8850.




That was one of my concerns too, but if you look at the link I have posted, it is one year parts and labor. Moreover, it is not just tiger, there are 6 or 7 sites selling B9180 from $307 CAD to $325 CAD. I suspect they are all linked to the same back end supplier's system though, and the price on the sites are displayed based on preset markups. I ordered from a place outside of Ontario, which saves me an additional 8% of provincial tax.


Anyhow, I should get mine sometime next week, we know by then if there's anything weird. :)

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