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24-70L soft copy


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Well, I never believed the whole soft-copy nonsense until I finally had one of

my own. Fortunately, I am still within the 'exchange' period with my dealer who

agreed to let me swap for a different one. Attached is a comparison image

cropped at 100%. Note this is one of many tests at all focal lengths compared to

both my 70-200L and 17-40L. It is not a focus issue (used only the center focus

point, very particular about where it focused), and it is not due to camera

shake (1/500 @ 24mm)<br/><br/>


The below image is a comparison at f8, 1/500, 24mm, ISO100 100% crops. The

17-40L is the sharper one on the right, the 24-70L is the soft, jagged edged one

on the left. Very typical results at all focal lengths and apertures. At first I

thougth it was just my brain, but close examination at identical settings are

confirming that indeed the lens itself is to blame, not my crummy photography.



Not really apparent in this image, but this copy also had a horrendous red

chromatic abberation that wasn't really fixable with any software I could find.

Also had a re-occuring 'Err01 faulty lens contacts' problem. All in all, I guess

it is possible to get a crummy copy sometimes, even from excellent



<img src=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2079/2467983226_7ecf13d7ca_o.jpg>

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Its does look bad ( the 24-70 ) that is. I would exchange it if you can. Please post again

when you get a new one. I have been considering this lens as an upgrade to my Tamron

28-75 but I hear a lot of this "bad sample" with this lens so I am in no rush.

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I also never believed in "soft" copy theory. I thought, it is the inexperience or fault of the photographer, unless I saw your presentation/comparison. Very convincing, But still before reaching to a firm conclusion, I will do exactly the same test with a Tripod. Or did you use the Tripod? 1/500 or so does not matter, you have to use a Tripod to make it a real scientific test.
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yes to tripod... also, this is cropped from the centre not the edge. You will notice the grass is also much sharper in the 17-40L version... even extending farther away. at f4 I might question things, but this is f8... should be sharp as a tack, if the other online reviews are to be believed.


Trust me, i've never believed the 'soft copy' thing, but this is one of about 30 comparisons at all apertures and focal lengths all with the same results. It took a lot for me to go back to the dealer and tell him i wasn't happy with the lens.


I chose this image because it is very easy to see the problem.

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"Soft copy" isn't a theory. Not every lens that leaves the factory is a gem, there are bound to be some klinkers. In this case, it looks like you've got a klinker. But at least you did a series of real world tests and took your time with it rather than just assuming "it's not me, it must be my gear" like so many do. Despite the results in this case, most of the complaints about a soft copy are paranoid reactions to internet BS. Good luck with your new lens.
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There's something wrong with the lens if that's acrop from the center. You can see green/magenta lateral chromatic abberation. Lateral CA is an off axis aberration, so even in a cheap lens (that's properly assembled) it should be zero in the center of the frame, even it it's really bad at the edges.
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^ exactly what Bob said. If it was only at the corners I wouldn't have cared perhaps, but it was corner to corner soft... the centre being equal to the edges.


The abberations were also pretty horrendous as bob pointed out. blue was 'manageable', but the red was REALLY bad.


Either way, I picked up the replacement... i'll take some test shots and see how it stacks up.

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Ok, I got my new one....<br/><br/>


The old one was DEFINITELY crap. This is a quick snapshot (F8 / ISO100 / 1/250) on my way back to the office from the store. MUCH improved. Have a look...its sharp as a tack, and I can't see any abberations. Plus, no 'lens contact err01' either. I'm now a happy camper.<br/><br/>

resized full image<br/>

<img src=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2269/2467557783_a7eb59a4fd_o.jpg><br/><br/>

100% crop from near centre<br/><img src=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2106/2467557839_61b863f0ec_o.jpg>

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This case seems not to be exceptional with this lens. Otherwise, photozone wouldn't have said..."if you can get a good sample". They haven't written this on any other lens.


Well, it could be the same sample going from hand to hand ... :)


I hope the 24-105 I chose instead doesn't have this problem.

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I wouldn't worry too much... most 'softness' is user error or hoopla. And i'm sure canon would tune it for you for free if it's under warranty. I was having other issues with mine too, otherwise I woulda sent it for tuning instead of replacement.... terrible Abberations, and Err01 'lens communication error'
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