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Instructions for Mamiya RZ 140 Macro Lens


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I have just picked up an Rz 140 Macro lens.Does anyone know where I can pick

up a manual? The lense has a blue plastic DOF ring, but it also has another ring

near the base. Does this do anything, or is it simply a guide for using the extension

tubes. P.S. this is the older 4.5W lens not the LA version. Thanks for any help!

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I would like to send you the RZ 140mm lens manual, but I can't obtain your mailing address. I will try to send the file with my answer.

If I can't, please write your mail address here under my answer, in two parts separated by something else that an @, to avoid the address to be picked up.

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Jean-Louis, Thank you very much. This is exactly what I was looking for. I did not even realize the older version was a floating lense. I thought only the L/A version was. When I saw the extra ring I began to wonder. It would have taken me a while to have figured out how to use it properly without the manual. Again, THANKS!
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  • 5 months later...

Glad this post was made...Thanks Werner and Jean Louis.

I have yet to use any calculations with it, and it looks like I need to start, but I cant imagine doing it for each capture...maybe a rough general rule can be used as with super close work a mil can toss things in a blurr.

I am at about 6 inches from a 1.6" carved figurine and getting it all crisp is rather impossible with the TS adapter. So the blue ring in the front I set at about 1.75 or 2 as I think it is the magnification factor, the back setting I place on 1+2, although I also have the TiltShift on it....then I end up moving the camera to focus, and still use the bellows to adjust.


Jean Luois..what are some of the basic steps ? I was asking so in case this can be done with some logic vs all the calcs on the camera.


It doesnt explain about both ext tubes plus the TS adapter being used. I have posted a few thoughts on another thread about the 140 recently...

under this thread, as it helps to read the other posts...


"MoreMamiya Macro 140mm Questions"



I often have both tubes plus the TS adapter with the 140. anyone know if placing the TS on the body or between the lens makes a difference? I thinking of place the short ext tube on the body, then the TS (this allows my DB cable to fit without the adapter hitting the wire), then the long ext tube, then nthe 140. Also, someone was saying that some 140's dont have a floating element...how can you tell? some of the newer lens' have the green print on it with some calcs, but mine doesn't. How much better is the newer lens over the old(if there is this difference). On that note, as there are true macro folks on this thread...perhaps someone can shed some light on why the RZ system doesnt have a true proper TS bellows setup? I have invested everything towards the RZ setup with DB, and now that I am getting into my groove with it, it is lacking in the DOF that I want to get with my macro work. I couldnt find Novoflex or anyone making such a device...WHY? Such a popular system, I am kinda lost why? I guess with wide angle or landscape the image circle ? But for macro...being a main use?

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