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telephoto lens

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Dave, No trouble getting into Fenway. I had a ticket. :-)


They check the contents of backpacks but they had no problem with the lens.




I attended a Red Sox game at Tropicana Field last week and they let the lens in no problem.


Petr, the OP asked about the best ZOOM. The lenses you mention are not zooms.

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A zoom lens is really desirable since you never know how close or far you will be. The 100-400mm is a great lens by all reports, but it is pricey. For less costly options, the 70-300 IS and the 55-250 IS are both good. However, both have rotating front elements, so use of filters like polarizers and split ND can be a little awkward.
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All the previous suggestions are good lenses but more specific information is required from you. What sort of wildlife/sports? You may require a long distance lens or a medium range with close focus option. Possibly a long prime lens or a macro. You may need a fast lens. Will you be using a tripod? Also what is your price range?


If you can fill in some of the missing information, I feel sure that someone will suggest the best lens for your requirements.


ps. I mostly use the 70-300 IS for wildlife. It is an excellent general purpose lens but sometimes I find it a bit on the short side, especially for small birds etc. But with a close focusing distance of around 4 ft it also doubles as a reasonable butterfly lens, especially when used with extension tubes.

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I've been pretty happy with my 100-300/5.6L, which is a discontinued model. The AF is too slow for flying birds, but works okay for pretty much everything else. The images are sharp and contrasty, and that outweighs the obnoxious autofocus for me.


Like the 100-400 it is a push-pull zoom design, but unlike the 100-400, there is no friction device to hold the lens at a specific focal length, so it tends to creep.

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The 70 to 200 f2.8L IS and a x1.4MkII:


Then IMO it is a toss up between that lens with the x2.0MkII and the 100 to 400L.


The 100 to 400, I do not like for various reasons, though I acknowledge that from 280 to 400mm regarding the competition between the two options might tip in favour of the 100 to 400.



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I'm a novice, so it took me some time working with it before I felt comfortable. It is big and heavy. The push pull zoom and loosen/tighten zoom creep ring take a little getting used to as well. Overall, I think it's a pretty amazing lens. Here's a pic I took with it over the weekend:
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