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No Show..... Wedding cancelled


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After 30+ years and over a thousand weddings shot, I thought I'd seen everything. But Saturday was a


My wife and I got to the church to start with the bride. There was a lot of activity at the church, but

nothing having to do with a wedding.


Brides running late are nothing new, so that's what we figured. But I checked our paperwork to confirm

the date, time, and location. Then I called the bride's cellphone. No answer. Same for her house

phone. Figured she was on her way.....


Something told me to call the groom's cellphone. He answered, I told him we were at the church, were

they running late? A pause, then he said, "she didn't call you?" I said, "no, what's up?" He: "the

wedding's been cancelled." I said, "Would've been nice if someone had called us. How long has it been

cancelled?" "For awhile. She was supposed to call everyone...guess she didn't."


Sure, over the years we've had a dozen or so weddings cancelled. And as many or more postponed.

But never one cancelled without a call from the bride or her mom.


But coming on the heels of a big wedding the night before, where we got home at midnight, it was kinda

nice to have the day freed-up.

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I'm actually surprised that you don't call a week ahead to go over everything and touch base. I wish not to sound like a jerk, but it seems that while the bride does have a responsibility of informing you and other vendors of cancellation, you owe it to yourself and your clients to check in on them sometime before.

I will admit that is quite an odd one though.

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It's not in my contract, but to keep good client relations, if a wedding cancels, I'll offer to apply the non-refundable retainer fee toward any other photography services the client may require in the future, such as a family photo session, family reunion, etc. I also make it transferrable to any other member of the immediate family (the side of the family that actually paid the retainer). And, should the paying client decide to marry (whomever) in the next three years, I'll apply the full amount toward their new wedding, providing the photography package is at least what was initially contracted for (but may be higher the second time around, depending).


It's sort of like a "studio credit", not mandatory on my part, but a goodwill gesture.

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If I might intrude on the sidebar conversation between William M and Steve C, actually

you both are correct.

I did get a retainer with the balance to be paid at the start of the wedding day shoot.

That's the arrangement I have with my brides and it's worked well for me over the


Regardless of whether or not I'd have received full payment prior to Saturday, I'd have

still refunded anything paid above and beyond the retainer.

I wouldn't feel comfortable keeping that money for services not rendered.

Steve C, I agree with your non-contractual policy and I've adopted a similar policy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with you Bill, I could not take money for non rendered services.

However, the unconscionable act of the bride (or groom) not communicating with you is pretty inconsiderate. It's good that that's only happened to you in your thirty something years at it.

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