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Green safelights


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OK, so once I sort out the film drying thing I posted about below, I intend to start developing my 8x10 stuff by inspection. This, of course, necessitates a green safelight. I was at B&H's web site tonight looking around and it appears that the only green safelight filter available is the Kodak, which is only readily available in one of the 3 sizes offered. The fiter itself, 5.5" dia., is about $27.00. Factor in the cost of the proper safelight, etc, and it's not exactly a cheap thing. My quesetion is this- are there any other green safelights avaiable? Perhaps some old/used options? I had thought about building my own using the correct filter and some sort of light-tight enclosure, but haven't gone much past the initial thought. Also, does anybody know where one can find an appropriate momentary on/off foot switch for use with a safelight? Thanks in advance.
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I found the vendor's link for the LED modules. www.lumex.com. Search

for LXC1283. They have two green modules, one is 565nM and is a close

match to the Kodak #7B (550nM). The other is a 525nM, and is a close

match to the #3 filter. From comparing the Kodak charts to the

modules I used (590nM), the #3 filter is very dark. The Lumex 565nM

is super bright. You'll need to drop the voltage way down or put some

ND filters over it. The 525nM is also bright, but nowhere near the

other one.




My safelight is controlled by my timer (an old Radio Shack Model 100

laptop). I've seen foot switches somewhere, but can't remember who

sells them. Check with DigiKey, since you'll have to buy the LED

module from them anyways.

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Just get the Kodak deep green. Gonna be less trouble than any other

option. As far as a switch, the footswitch is obviously the best

thing, but a cheap pretty okay easy option is to just get a household

buffer bar thingy from Walgreen's for a few bucks and attach it in a

handy spot (mine's mounted opposite my belly button on the side of my

wooden sink w/ a dot of phosphorescent tape on the switch button)....


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Modern panchromatic films are sensitive to all wavelengths of visible

light. Green filters are used for inspecting film because the eye is

most sensitive to green light, NOT because the film is less sensitive

to green. So, a green LED could be used as well as a green safelight

filter, since the LED wavelength of 565nm is approximately the peak

sensitivity of the dark adapted eye. You will want to use the minimum

intensity for the minimum length of time necessary to inspect the


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Dave: For the footswitch, check your local sewing machine repair

center for a switch, or maybe an office supply for a transcribing

machine foot switch. You can make one easy enough by going to Radio

Shach and getting a "momentary on" switch and wiring it to the light.

As for the green safelight, try a clear class with a couple of layers

of green cellophane and a small bulb. Good luck with your new quarter

at the university.





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