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Tokina for Canon


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You can safely use both of these Tokina lenses on a full frame body, including the EOS 3. The Tokina 10-17 will be a full frame fisheye and fill the entire frame of the EOS 3 at 15-17mm, but vignette at shorter settings. It also works as a full frame fisheye on crop sensor bodies at 10mm, with diminishing effects at longer zoom settings. The Tokina 12-24 will fill the frame of the EOS 3 (or 5D) from 24mm down to about 16-17mm. Vignetting occurs at shorter focal lengths.


I've never used one, but others confirm that Sigma's 10-20 lens can be used on full frame cameras down to about 12mm without severe vignetting. They are all safe to use. It's modified Canon EF-S lenses that may not be.

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