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Landscape stuff? What's you're favorit? (Pentax 67, Mamiya 645....)


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John Golden, hi - what is the Bokeh of that particular lens like? I know the camera, and for simplicity of operation, and they sure are a rugged unit (many reasons why they have lasted the journey for many journalists and portrait photographers for decades) ... as a camera I would have it close behind my first choice of the SWC.


Going bush with anything that is electronics-dependent is not something I'd want to do. A mate of mine says he'd never drive into the 'Outback' in any vehicle that he couldn't start with a crank handle ... "just in case.." It's the same for me with cameras: all mechanical and a light meter in the pocket.


Do you have the 55mm lens unit?

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I use both a Mamiya M645 and a Fuji GS645. The Fuji rangefinder is, at least in large prints, noticeably sharper than the Mamiya and it is small and portable. It is my first choice for longer hikes. The only drawback is that it does not have interchangable lenses like the Mamiya. The cost of the Fuji is only about $400 for one in excellent condition from KEH, which I think is quite a bargain compared with the Mamiya 7. However, because of the larger film size, I would prefer the Mamiya 7 (perhaps if I sell my M645 and it's three lenses and the Fuji I could afford a Mamiya 7 with one lens)
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My first choice would be the Mamiya 7II and 65mm lens, but I can't afford them. My Bronica RF 645 was my retirement present to myself, 45 and 65mm lenses for $1400, new. Like the Mamiya rangefinder MF's, it's highly portable, important if you have to hike in to these landscapes. Like the Mamiyas, the leaf shutter allows a shutter speed or two slower. The lenses are superb.
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Hi Jenny, the 80mm black S is not one i would choose for portraits it has a fairly large depth of field when stopped down a bit and i dont like to shoot wide open. I use the 180mm for portraits or the 135mm, I dont have the 55m but i do have the 65mm. It is a great lens, not as contrasty as the black S but a good choice for wide angle. you will get mixed opinions on the 55 and 65, some folks like one more than the other, the worst thing about the 65 is flare, so dont shoot anywhere near direct light. The 180mm I have is not the 180 super but it is the 180 black. though Im not sure what the difference is in the two. my 180 is tack sharp. good luck
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