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Bronica GS-1 Battery Question


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I have two Bronica GS-1 bodies. This week I shot two rolls of color print film

with one of them. I am using the non-metered prism finder. When I turn the

camera on and depress the shutter button gently the red signal and the shutter

speed light up. As long as these lights come on can I assume that the battery

is OK? I suspect that my shutter speeds with the 100/3.5 Zenzanon PG were a

little fast. If the battery is dead then the defualt shutter speed at all

settings is 1/500. Can a weak battery slow the shutter too little so the

speeds are too fast?

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  • 2 months later...

I have been having problems with my GS. ( battery I think), when it gets cold outdoors I can't seem to get the AE

lock on the prism to work right, or stay on. it flashes or blinks the yellow light but doesn't stay fixed/on. I was

beginning to

wonder if this had something to do with an inferior battery. I have been told that it is better to spend the money and

buy the silver-oxide type....any thoughts on this problem?


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