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Tmax 100 - Green Tint?

William D. Lester

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I've been developing sheet films for some time . I have used Tmax 400, Tri-x, FP4 etc. for years. Lately I decided to try Tmax 100. The films have a distinct green cast when developed. I have not seen this problem with roll film or any other sheet film I use. I use the same chemistry - pre wet, Xtol, Kodak Indicator Stop Bath, Ilford Universal Fixer, rinse, Kodak Hypo Clearing Agent, wash & Photo Flo.

Has anyone else seen this? Is it a problem?

William D. Lester
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I see this fairly often after I put the negatives in a sleeve and

then place them against a white background such as the back of a

contact sheet. I don't think it's a problem. I posed a similar

question to the large format newsgroup a while back. Someone

explained what it was but unfortunately I've forgotten. He assured me

that it wasn't a problem so I've pretty much ignored it since. I get

a similar "tint" with Ilford HP5+ sometimes also.

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Try a 2 - 5 minute pre-soak in LFN, or Zonal Pro Archival Rinse, not

Kodak Photo-Flo, then develop, water rinse, fix for double your

current time, wash and end with another one minute in a fresh batch

of the same wetting agent you used for the pre-soak.

Contained in this are three things each of which will help solve the

problem and combined you should never see the remains of the

anti-halation layer again.


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