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Omeha D6XL


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Gee, is the micro focus control what designates a D6 instead of a D5?

And all this time I thought that I had a D5 ...




Seriously, I like the micro focus very much. It's one of those

features that I can't imagine not having - kind of like not having

brakes for you car. It is so natural that I forget that it was an


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The Omega D5 and D6 XLs are basically the same enlarger. The only

real difference that you will notice is that the D5 has a trim plate

on the front of the column that makes it look newer. Both enlargers

have different knob designs, but cosmetics adside, they are the

same. Both take the same heads, either condenser or color. If you

really like the look of the D5 over the D6, you can purchase the

front trim plate for the columm and mount it yourself. I have

rebuilt a number of D2, D5 and D6 enlargers and they are all

basically the same. There will certainly not be any difference in the

quality of your prints between a D2, D5 or D6. I currently use a

D5XL with a color head, a D5 head and chassis with a VC condenser

head mounted on a D2 column and a Zone VI enlarger. I don't really

need all of these, but parts and pieces came along at the right price

and I couldn't help tinkering and rebuilding. So if you wind up with

a D2, D5 or D6 you will be able to produce anything you desire. Rob

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I forgot to answer your query about the micro focusing attachment.

Being a gadget freak I decided that I needed these on my enlargers

and so purchased one (used). In a short while, another one came into

my possession, so both of my Omegas have them. My advice - save your

money. The main focusing knob works just fine. I forgot to mention

that I teach photography at a junior college and our lab is loaded

with D5XLs and D6XLs. Some have the micro focusers and some do not,

but performance is the same if you keep the enlarger shafts properly

tensioned so that the focusing knob works smoothly. We have about 20

of these Omegas, and the parts have been swapped so much over the

years that we have probably have invented and new enlarger - Omega

Model D5/6XL version X1A or something. Enjoy your Omega - Rob

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