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how do they do it

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I have been given a fashion brief and one of thier points of refference was

this website www.misssixty.com with thier current campaign in mind just

wondering if anyone had an idea of how it might be lit. I know there is a

combination here and there must be some gels used. if anyone has an idea let me

know so i can give them a test run.

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I find it odd that photo.net hasn't symlinked "fashion, lighting" to be both a subcatagory of Fashion and Lighting forums. I wasn't sure where on that website I should be looking for a lighting example. Under catalog, the images seem to move by quickly, and look like two grided lights.


In one example they lit the face and torso from high left, and the legs from low right. *shrug*

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The lighting and the set are a bit complex. Not exactly something you'd do in a small space. Looks to me like the main source in many, if not all the photos, is an optical spot, similar the follower spots used in theater. The spot is greatly overpowering a gelled or various gelled sources that are washing colored light over areas of the set, but this lighting is only apparent in the sharply delineated shadow areas not touch by the spot. There is probably some plain, uncolored fill lighting coming from below in some of the shots too. Not sure if this was done with flash or continuous lighting. You can get optical spots for both flash and continuous. Also, I'm sure there was some retouching done to the skin, even with good makeup. The spots can be brutal on skin. Nice work, for sure.

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The main light is up and to the left/right/in front of depending on the shot. Fill lights were used and probably geled to make the proper color. Use a light/color meter to make the proper ratios. Camera angle was most of the time below the subject looking up. Flags were probably used to make the ratios. Some post production was done; however, most of the effects were done at the time of the shoot. Hope this helps.

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