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newfoundland island


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<a href="http://www.arribavista.com/search_results.asp?st=basic&ap=1&ss=Newfoundland">http://www.arribavista.com/search_results.asp?st=basic&ap=1&ss=Newfoundland</a> (and ignore the pictures of the dogs!).


There may be a language problem here (Vladimir is in Yugoslavia). I'm assuming he's asking about NATURE photography in (on) Newfoundland, not TRAVEL photography which isn't appropriate here.

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Newfoundland is a great place for nature photography and (I think) underappreciated. You'll most likely fly into St. John's, which is the capital and is located on the Avalon Peninsula. The Avalon has a variety of interesting subjects and is the most reachable portion of the province.


About 1/2 hour from St. John's are the towns of Bay Bulls and

Witless Bay where you can take a short boat ride to see colonies of puffins, kittewakes, razorbills, murres, and a host of other seabirds. They are in the bay from spring until late summer. From July through August there are also a lot of whales around. Humpbacks, minkes, and maybe some finbacks.


At the southern tip of the Avalon is Cape St. Mary's which has a huge Gannett (Sula) colony. They spend the summer on a seastack about 20 feet from a convenient trail. There are also a lot of other seabirds around, but no puffins. This place is pretty awesome aside from the birds.


Gros Morne National Park on the west coast is beautiful. The Tablelands are a very interesting geologically and Westernbrook Pond is a fresh water Fjord that is very dramatic. Gros Morne is also the best place in NF to see Moose (lots of Moose).


Other places for whales include Trinity Bay, Twillingate, along the Viking trail on the west coast and at the northern tip at Lanse aux Meadows.


Sorry to ramble, but NF is really a great place - and relatively undiscovered.

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