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E Krauss Protar 205mm f/8: covers 4x10?


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Tricky to say without testing the lens as the Protar came in several versions ranging from a Tessar-like 60 degree angle up to semi-wide angle Angulon type 85 degree angle. I can't find any information on this specific Krauss Protar which would have been made in France under license from Zeiss.


If it was the 60 degree variety then it will just start to vignette at the edges while the wider version would cover well.


If you have the lens or can ask the current owner a question you could see what the image circle measures.

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Take a tape measurer in one hand and the lens in the other.


Hold the lens to allow a projection of an image onto a wall and measure with the tape measurer.


While not exactly a scientific way of going about things, you'll have a fairly close idea as to the lens' coverage.

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