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RAW. How to shoot?

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I ran into a strange thing I couldn't understand. I shot a few images in raw

then converted them into jpeg at home, and experienced:<br><br>


flash lighthing -> camera set auto WB -> conversion set Flash WB =

unpredictable, ugly pics<br>

flash lighthing -> camera set flash WB -> conversion set Flash WB = less or more

correct colour tones<br><br>


Until now I believed it is makes no sense to set the WB if I use raw. I have

Canon body and use bibble.

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One of the prime reasons for shooting Raw is to get control over white balance after the fact. You are right, it makes no sense to worry about WB if you are shooting Raw. If, however, you make no decisions about the WB settings in your Raw converter, then the program will "default" to something. Many programs default to the camera settings. If you are going to use the camera defaults, there is no point in shooting Raw.


The only parameter that really matters in Raw is the precision of your exposure, and there are many who say that precision should actually shift the exposure to the right of the histogram, and then you re-establish the correct levels in post.


Google "expose to the right"

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Set the camera to flash white bal or 5000 to 5600 whatever makes the pics come out right.


This avoids having to rebalance in conversion which you can do , but why?


Actual K degrees are more intuitive to me, some may like sunny, cloudy, flash, tungsten, or fluorescent. It depends on what the camera has and what is easiest.


Avoid auto as it is never right, just close. But you are in changing situations and do not have time to set it, Auto may be a good option.

No picture loss in fixing it later, just lost time.

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Larry, I have set the WB in the raw converter. I have set it to flash in both cases.


Ronald, my camera tends to be too red, at least for my eyes. Adjusting the wb usually helps.


I will try a new raw converter soon to see if it is a software specific problem or not.

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Wehehee, the mistery solved. I decided to post the images to show the difference, so did reset the parameters the images but they were identical. I have purged the thumbnails then recognized, the bibble does kind of quick-quess of the thumbnail WB. When I clicked on the thumbnail, it loaded the the image, did the "real" conversion and suddenly everything was okay.


Sorry for the trouble :)

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In RAW for me its a matter of setting the right ISO, auto white balance (becuase I will tweek the white balance in ACR), then get the exposure close enough. Take he shot, then its ready for processing.




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