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comparison of hp4+ vs bergger 200


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i am dusting off my 5x7 after several years, and hope to be shooting again soon. The film i used in the past was a kodak product, and availability reasons dictate a change of material. i plan to use either either hp4+ or bergger for my future work, processed with acutol or similar developer. i am looking for a painfully sharp result. i dont want to trim down 8x10 tech pan (or give money to kodak for that matter). i may well buy a box of each and "try it!" but i also value your insight and input based on hands-on experience with these products. subject matter will predominately be detail-rich machinery (trains, trucks, etc) so i am not concerned with true-to-life skintones or cloud/sky renditions as a performance criteria. on the other hand, there may not be enough difference between the two to films to matter in this case. thanks in advance for your input.
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If sharpness is your governing criteria than I would pass on the

bergger film. Its great in PMK but can get pretty grainy in some

other developers. If you don't mind ordering from Photographer's

Formulary then you should try FX1 or FX2 developers. FX1 is reputed

to be as sharp as they get.

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HP4 discontinued? Since when? are we talking 35mm, 4x5, 5x7?




Or are you talking about FP4 as opposed to FP4+?




Last time I ordered 5x7 FP4 I got it - that was in the last year when

I borrowed a friends 5x7 to try out. (thought that was back in the

UK). Last time I looked, B&H still listd it?




Tim A

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David, if indeed the film you mention is Ilford FP4 Plus then I would

stick to it in preference to the bergger film. I found the bergger to

be a lot grainier than most films of comparable speed and although it

stains very well in PMK, I have found that the Ilford film also shows

good staining in both PMK and DiXactol. Ilford films seem happy to be

processed in whatever dev you have lying around and still produce

great negs!! Regards Paul

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as a first-time poster, i must say i'm impressed with this whole

deal. what a wealth of information and resources made-to-order. I

have ordered 2 boxes of fp4+. I kind of figured that without hearing

much talk of bergger (good or bad) that it probably was not overly

impressive with non pmk developers. I shall begin my (simplified) asa

tuning for my lens/camera. Thanks to all.

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