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Lens for Nikon D80


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Hi,guys- apples vs oranges time!I have a D80 with a Sigma 24-70/2.8 and i am

thinking of something LIGHTER as a general purpose lens to complement it. The

obvious culprits are the Tamron 17-50/2.8 and the Sigma 18-50/2.8. Bruce

Margolis and Rob Shooter have spoken of this before so i hope you two can help

me out here. Any other opinions would also be very welcome-thanks

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Mark, both lenses have fans on this forum. From what I have read, the Tamron generally gets the edge. Thom Hogan didn't review the Sigma but said this in his Tamron review....


"Wither the Sigma 18-50? I haven't used it enough to review it but I have used it enough to know that it doesn't beat the Tamron."


Others may differ with this opinion but his Tamron review is here....



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The Tamron has received good reviews and I know someone that owns the lens and he is very pleased. That would be a very nice lens I am sure. I do not know the weight of the various lenses but I wonder if it is very much lighter. The wider angle would certainly be of benefit if you do not have that covered with a different lens. I also am in favor of a prime lens. I frequently select the 50mm f1.7 as a lens to carry about. It's amazing how small and light my D200 feels with that lens on. Incredibably sharp lens and you can zoom with your feet within limits of course. But given the two lenses you mentioned I would buy the Tamron. I believe it's a DX lens which will be fine with your wonderful D80 but if you plan to go back to full frame someday you will be looking for another lens again.
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Mark, I think the Tamron 17-50 is usualy sharper, lighter weight than Sigma, better choice IMO, if you have to choose one of them.

If "LIGHTER", color rendition, bokeh quality are very important to you than Nikkor primes are better choice, but they will limit your focal range or you have to order more lenses and change lenses more frequently.


I ordered and got a not very good copy Sigma 18-50mm so I returned it. I tried a Tamron 17-50 at a local store and I think it's a good lens( quite sharp, very light weight, focus fast on my D80) at its price.

Make sure you order one at a store that you could return it if you don't like without a restock fee. Such as B&H is highly reccomended if you live in the USA.

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