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Found film and need help on repairing Rolleiflex Automat X

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Finally, I finished collecting my Rolleiflex. The last camera is Automat X.

Mine is not beautiful but functional generally, except the self timer and the

focus knob. I don't want to sent it back to the seller as it is very difficult

for me to find it.


Therefore, I need your help. I want to know how to rescue this lovely camera.

Can anyone tell me how to lubricate the self timer? Also, what should I do so as

to open the camera and adjust the focusing knob? The front panel does not have

any bendings or marks shown. I believe it should be something loosen from the

focusing mechanism.Can anyone help me?



There is also a roll of old 120 film inside this camera. It is Kodacolor II

film. The film seems very old. Does anyone know how to develop and process it?


THank you.

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One approach is to send it to any competent repairer of mechanical cameras.


The focus may be stuck due to hardened grease, which would require a proper tear-down and cleaning. It may be stuck due to the body casting decomposing, swelling, and cracking, in which case your camera is a shelf queen. The focus may be as simple as the nut on the end of the shaft that holds the focusing knob is loose. (The cover comes off somehow, and there's a nut, possibly slotted, that holds the knob on the tapered end of the shaft.)


Don't mess with the self-timer on old leaf shutters, just cocking it is asking for trouble. If the shutter speeds are on, just leave it be. Otherwise, send it to Carol Flutot for a clean/lube/adjust -- she can do the whole camera.


For the film, just bring it to any lab that processes 120 color film, it's C-41 film, the current process. The color is going to be all over the place, Kodacolor II has lousy shelf life.

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The focus is not stuck. I can feel there is something loosen as I can move the front panel. I feel it is loosen.

I don't known whether I should send it back or left it here. It is the last collection of my classic cameras. Because I might not be able to collect anymore in the future. The time...is not enough for me.

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