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Can the G9 be used as a P&S?

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I've read great reviews about the G9, and I'm considering buying one as a

compliment to my Elan 7ne, and the only concern that I have is about using the


How does it really perform when you just have time to take a quick shot?

In other words, how does it perform when you use it as a point&shoot?




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it's pretty good, i love the face recognition feature. Highlights get quickly blown but simple

jpg full auto is pretty great. I shoot mostly raw and pulling highlights back is somewhat

limited. It's a quick and sturdy camera and the little big bigger size over the Powershot series

doesn't bother me, considering all the other advancements. best, M

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It is a great camera for its size. Good lens- better shutter response than other P&S, has a hot shoe that I can use for Leica Viewfinders and two custom settings I can preset to match the finders.


Like all P&S, the provided finder is not up to snuff. There I would use a Leica VF and custom settings.


Wider and less telephoto would suit me better, but they have marketing people who know what most want.


The G9 would be my choice or I would get one of the truely pocketable ELPH series. My brother has one and it is great.

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This camera is great! Image quality is not DSLR and the camera takes a little getting to know, in terms of how it handles colour, focussing and how the flash functions. As do all cameras! It definately works well as a point and shoot. It is maybe a little bit bigger than most P&S, but it has great optics and it will shoot RAW files. I have owned this camera for a few months and it is BRILLIANT, great fun, great image quality for a compact and the ability to shoot RAW is fantastic.The only thing I have found about the camera that isn't outstanding is that in a dark room, say lit only by candles, autofocus seems to struggle a bit. But I love this camera. It's really fun to use, built really well and the battery life is great. This weekend I shot 550 jpgs at a birthdayparty, nearly all using flash, using the monitor as viefinder, without any 'powersaving' settings, just standard, all on ONE CHARGE with the battery. Amazing! If the camera meets your requirements, don't hesitate, get one.
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I have just bought a Canon G9 and programmed my own 'snap mode' settings into mode C1 (C2 is set up for infrared work when I use an IR filter). You can find guidance here.....




Or decide on your own settings to customise your own C1/C1 settings.


Because the lens is pre-focused (in snap mode) then there is no AF lag and the responses are almost instantaneous.


This is nothing new. I first programmed my old Canon A80 (years ago) with a 'snap mode' from these instructions....



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There is also a discussion on these matters here...




The G9 is an incredibly well equipped little camera and Canon need to make more noise (and offer more guidance) on the matter of programming your own 'modes' and more creative use of this camera. It is very easy to do and all the programmed C1/C2 settings are remembered after power off/on.

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