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Suggestions for photo locations in Spain


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I am beginning to plan a vacation to Spain. I like to photograph beautiful landscapes and old neglected

buildings to show the rich textures, patterns, and colors that you can often find in such structures.


I prefer to go to areas that are not heavy touristed and use local transportation and walking with a few

days for hired cars to reach more remote areas.


So far I am considering Algeciras, Toledo, Segovia, Sierra de Francia and Sierra de Bejar.


I will only have about 10 days in Spain and would like to be at places that are safe so I do not have to

worry about walking the streets photographing. I am think of going in late April or May but could also do

June if it is not the high season. My guess is I will fly into Madrid and then take a train one or two other

locations where I will stay.


Any recommendations and comments on my short list would be helpful as well as suggestions on places

to stay to maximize my photography experience while in Spain or other locations that you think are better

given what I would like to photograph



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You could parachute blindfolded into any part of Spain, point your camera and shoot. In the region around Madrid, I would add Avila (medieval wall nearly complete), Cuerco (hanging from cliffs), Escorial (huge castle and art museum - no bags or tripods - and quaint town). The list is endless. Don't forget Madrid! The town squares, museums and the Royal Palace are just a few of the choices. The rail system is comprehensive and inexpensive.


Personal crimes are relatively rare except for pickpockets. Barcelona (not on your list) is notorious in that regard, and gypsies everywhere. However, if you are interested in Gaudi's architecture, Barcelona should be be on your list.

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<i>You could parachute blindfolded into any part of Spain, point your camera and shoot.</i><p>Very true. It's a beautiful country, there is nowhere that shooting is not interesting. And safety is something to worry about in the US, not in Spain. Despite Barcelona's reputation, nobody bothered me anywhere in a visit last month, even in quite deserted alleys.
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Spain is all beautiful. If you get to the north the coast is fantastic, Santiago de Compostela, the Picos de Europa are beautiful. But my personal favorite is Andalucia: Jerez de la Frontera, Cordoba, it's endless.


Most places in Spain are safe but just use "common sense" and observe your surroundings. In high tourest areas, for example around the big churches in Sevilla, there are often pick pockets but they work mainly when there are a lot of people out. Go see the churches early in the morning (it's the best time to photograph them anyways) and there will be much less chance of an unwelcome encounter.


Gypsies get a bad rap and a reputation that is by in large unfounded in the modern day. I cycled and camped through Spain and Portugal for many months a few years ago. During my time on the road I met a number of gypsie famlies, spent time with some and did not have one bad experience with any. The Spaniards hate them and often treat them badly. They choose to live an "alternative" life style but as individuals I'm sure they are no different than the rest of us. Some good, some not so good.


I have never had a problem with personal crime in Spain. I've had more problems in my native country, Canada, than anywhere on the Iberian Peninsula.


You will love it, have fun.

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Near Sierra de Francia and Bejar is Pena de la Francia, go to the top by foot or car. Also near is La Alberca, a well preserved village (first to be declared a national monument in 1940) devoid of tourists, except the Spanish, and Las Batuecas, an operating monestery and wildlife preserve with several footpaths in and around. All are in Provencia de Salamanca. Cuenca has the gorges/cliffs NOT Cuerco, SE of Madrid. The center of Spain around Castille y La Mancha is heavily agricultural, olives mostly, mostly boring with some gems like Baena, Cordoba.
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Hola Ed,

Disculpa por no contestar en ingles. Como bien te han dicho en cualquier parte de Espa?a puedes hacer grandes fotografias, pu?en todas las ciudades encontraras bonitos monumentos y rincones encantadores, en lo relativo a la seguridad no tendr?problemas salvo en las grandes ciudades como Madrid o Barcelona pero muy raramente, eso no quita para que siempre estes pendiente de tu equipo y cartera, pu?como en todos los sitios si te descuidas puedes encontrar algun amigo de lo ajeno.


Te hablar?e Segovia, provincia en la que vivo, toda la ciudad antigua es fantastica, por algo es Patrimonio de la Humanidad, el Alcazar, La Catedral, el Acueducto y las numerosas iglesias de estilo Romanico, especialmente bello el Alcazar al amanecer o al atardecer, si alquilas un coche no dejes de visitar los siguientes pueblos: Pedraza todo el pueblo es fantastico, Sepulveda su casco antiguo y las Hoces del Duraton, La Granja de San Ildefonso con su Palacio, el palacio de Riofrio, Coca y en general en codos los peque?os pueblos puedes encontrar peque?as joyas del Romanico.


En mi pagina puedes ver alguna foto para que te hagas una peque?a idea




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